Chapter 43

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Edward's POV

It takes a while, almost two hours to be specific, but finally we can go out of the pack hospital.

It took so long, because the Doctor couldn't find the reason for Oliver's sickness, and he still didn't manage to find anything.

The Doctor is assuming that Oliver just ate something that made him sick, but I think that might have been caused by stress, since yesterday wasn't very peaceful.

We are supposed to come back to the pack house if he's sick again, then he will get some more examinations, but for now he is free to go back to our house.

I take his hand while holding Alex in my other hand, and we go towards our house.

That's not how I imagined our walk back to look, I was hoping to talk about what colour we will paint our baby's room, but instead, we are both sad that it's not our time to have a baby yet.

When we reach out house, I call Liam and Evan, since the rest of the guys are busy today.

I tell them to come over, so that we won't sit on the couch sharing sad looks for the whole day.

They both agree to come over, and soon we are all in my living room, talking about some nonsense.

They leave a few hours later, when both Oliver and I are in slightly better moods, but Alex is angry that Mia wasn't able to come over with Evan.

"Come on, I will show you something." I say as I reach my hand to him.

He takes it, and I lead him out of the front door, but he stops me, before we can step out.

"What about Alex?" He asks me.

"He's sleeping on the couch, we will hear when he wakes up." I assure him, and he nods, before he follows me.

I close the front door, and I lead him to the side of our house.

I let go of his hand, and I go to take a ladder from our small garage, I take it out and I rest it against the house.

"Climb it." I tell him, so he takes some time to consider if he wants to do it, and after a moment he decides to do it.

I climber right after him, making sure that he won't fall off, and soon we reach the roof.

I take his hand, and we walk towards the edge, before we sit down with our legs sticking out.

We look at the sunset, neither of us says anything, he just rests his head on my shoulder, so I rest my head on his.

"It's nice here." Oliver tells me, after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"I used to sit up here for hours before I met you, it's great that I can share it with you now." I tell him, before I hug him closer to me.

About half an hour later, I hear Alex call us, so we go down the ladder, and into the house, to make sure that he's still fine.

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