Chapter 25

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Oliver's POV

I wanted to take Oliver on the date, somewhere outside the pack borders, since he said that he never was in the city.

I don't want to overwhelm him through, so I decided that it would be best if we go somewhere quiet, like a park or something.

Evan told me that it's a good idea, so now I feel more confident with the plan then I did, before I have talked with him.

Also, I have ordered a pizza, so we just have to pick it up on our way to the park.

"Can I know where we are going?" Oliver asks me again, he has been asking me this question, since he have woken up, and I told him that we're going out.

"No." I tell him sternly.

He groans, but he doesn't dare to take he's eyes from the window.

He's watching the city that we are driving though, it isn't a big city, but it has a lot of things to do.

It was built by our pack, hundreds of years ago, but the we have let humans live here, and they expanded it quite well.

"It's amazing." Oliver tells me.

"It's normal for me, so I can't share your enthusiasm." I inform him.

"I don't care." He says.

I stop outside of the pizzeria, and I get out of the car, Oliver does the same, and we walk inside of the building, hand in hand.

We get our pizza, then I pay for it, before I take Oliver back towards my car.

We drive for a while longer, until we reach a park.

"I thought that it will be a good place for our first date, since you aren't used to the city." I tell him as I stop the car.

"It's inside the city, but it is quiet, and it has a lot of grass and trees, so it's nothing too new." I explain.

"Okay, let's go." He tells me, bouncing his leg impatiently.

I laugh slightly, before I get out of the car, and I take the pizza from the back sit, along with some drinks.

We sit on the blanket, that I have taken front my house, and when we're sitting, I open the pizza, and I give Oliver his drink.

He takes it happily, and we eat in silence, the only noise that we hear is from the few people that are passing by us.

"I like it here." He tell me.

"I will take you bowling the next time we're in the city, I have a feeling that you'll enjoy it too." I say, and he nods in agreement.

"There is so many people here." He tells me happily.

The whole time that we spend in the park Oliver talks about how different he has imagined that the city looks like, although the have seen it on the pictures.

I'm glad that I was able to make him as happy as he currently is.

But soon the food is gone, and the sun starts to hide, so we have to go back to the pack.

That doesn't stop him from talking happily, he does it all the way back to the pack house, and then he repeats it all to Alex while I try to not laugh at .

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