Chapter 34

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Edward's POV

Oliver and Liam decided to practice their shooting again, leaving me alone in my house, since Alex is on a play date with Mia and her mom.

I'm already bored, and I don't have any idea what I will be doing for the rest of the day.

I have already taken shower, and I'm eating the dinner right now, so there isn't anything else to do.

Before I can finish my dinner, I hear a door bell so I leave the dining room to open the door.

I don't even get the chance to open it, since Isaac reminds himself that I don't mind if he comes inside by himself.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"All our mates, and kids are out, so we are going to get drunk." He tells me, with excitement clear in his voice.

I look outside, and I realise that Don and Evan are here too.

"Alright." I say, and I gather my stuff, before I going outside where they're waiting on me.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"The training grounds." Evan says.

We make our wait there, with a few plastic bags full of beer bottles.

When we reach the training grounds, there already are a few people there, but it doesn't stop us from sitting under one of the trees.

We drink bottle after bottle, until we can't manage to drink anymore.

At this point, I don't have any idea what they're talking about, so I don't listen to them at all.

"How much did you drink?" I hear Oliver ask, and I realise that he's standing in front of me.

I try to focus my eyes on him, and when I manage to do so, I can see his disapproving expression, which makes me gulp slightly.

I guess I'm in trouble, at least I won't remember it in the morning.

"A lot." I tell him, and he groans.

"How am I supposed to take you back to our house?" He asks me.

"Just carry me." I respond, I can't believe that he didn't think about it himself, I'm drunk and I get better ideas than him.

"Yeah, sure." He says angrily.

I sit there for a while, wondering why he hasn't picked me up yet, then I finally feel that someone is lifting me, but the arms don't feel famiar, as they should.

I look up, and I'm met with two guards, I smile at them, and they roll they eyes at me.

I decide to ignore it, and I let them carry me to my house, I wonder if Oliver is following me, or if he stayed behind.

My head gets heavy, so I just let it fall back, that makes my neck hurt, but Oliver laughs at it, so I decide to stay like that.

We soon reach our house, and the guards put me on the bed, they leave after that, and I can hear Oliver thank them.

I can feel that he's taking my shoes off, but my eyes start to close, so I just let them shut, and I fall asleep only seconds later.

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