Chapter 7

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Oliver's POV

I look towards the door, to see some big man with black hair.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to..." He stops talking when he notices me looking at him.

"You got a friend?" The man asks.

"Yeah. Is that a problem?" Edward asks in a bored tone, clearly knowing that it isn't.

"Not at all." The man says, before he comes over to give Edward a manly hug, then he looks at me.

"Isaac." He says, extending his hand, so I shake it.

"Oliver." I tell him. "And this is Alex." I say pionting at the baby, that is still watching the movie.

"Isaac is the Alpha of this pack." Edward informs me, and I nod in acknowledgement.

"So, what is a cute Omega doing here?" Isaac asks, looking back at Edward.

"I will explain it later, we are quite tired from the run." Edward tells him.

"Okay, but I need you to take him to the pack Doctor for examination tomorrow morning, if he wants to stay for longer than a week, then I want you to see me, so you can explain the situation." Isaac says, with a smile, before he leaves the house.

"Examination?" I ask Edward.

"Don't worry, he will just check if your not sick, and since your an Omega he will have to do some additional tests like checking your womb, and if you will be able to give birth on your own." He tells me, and I nod, nothing too bad.

"Alright, watch the rest of the movie, I will put the pizza in the oven, and I should be right back." He tells me.

I sit next to Alex, and he cuddles to me, soon Edward returns, and he takes a sit next to me, then he puts his arm over my shoulder.

I lean into his touch, and I put my head on his shoulder, before I close my eyes.

"Don't fall asleep, the pizza will be ready in a few minutes." He says, and I force my eyes to open, with a groan.

"We will go to bed after we eat." He tells me.

"Good, I dont think I can stay awake for much longer." I say, and he nods.

A few minutes later he goes out of the living room, and he comes back with a big pizza seconds later.

I take one slice, and I give it to Alex who takes it happily, then I take one for myself, and all three of us eat as much as we can.

Edward ends up eating eight slices, which is half of the pizza, while I only manage to eat about four, and Alex eats most of the slice that I gave him.

"Do you want to sleep in my room, or in the guest room?" He asks.

"In your room." I say, and he smirks again, before he takes Alex from me, and he leads us upstairs.

His house has two bedrooms, one is his, and the other is for the guests, we leave Alex in the guest room, and we wait until he falls asleep, which only takes a few minutes, then Edwards takes my hand, and he lead us to his room.

"What did you want to tell me earlier?" I ask after we enter the bedroom.

"I wanted to tell you that we are mates." He says, and I can't say that I'm surprised, since I already kind of feel the bond.

"Great." I tell him.

"Great?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say, and he laugh slightly, making me laugh too.

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