Chapter 15

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Oliver's POV

The training exhausts me very quickly, there is no way that I will be able to continue for much longer, and it's nowhere close to the time that I'm allowed to leave.

"It's your first training, so you can take a break now, tell me when you're ready to come back." Edward says, and I sigh in relief, making him laugh.

"Go sit under that tree, so I will be able to see you." He says, and I give him a quick kiss, before I run towards the tree with the last of my strength.

I watch Edward train for a while, before I feel someone sit next to me, I turn my head to look at the person, and I can see that it's a young guy.

He is an Omega too, so he probably is taking a break as well.

"Hi." I decide to say, I hope that he's nice, and that he will want to talk to me, I probably wouldn't have said anything if he wasnt an Omega, but the fact that he is, gave me enough confidence.

"Hi." He responds boredly, while looking at the training people that are in front of us.

"You don't like the training?" I ask him.

"I don't even know what I'm doing here, it's not like I can get strong or anything, I just watch all the guys my age get mussels and all, while I only waste my time here." He tells me.

"I think it's fun anyway, just a bit too tiring." I say.

"You're weird." He says.

I decide to not say anything, since I know that it usually leads to an argument, and if I want to have some friends, I can't argue with them as much as I did with my brothers.

"So, you're Edward's mate?" He asks, after a while of silence.

"Yeah, I'm Oliver, by the way." I tell him.

"I'm Liam." He tells me.

"Is he this stern at home?" Liam asks with a laugh, while we watch Edward walk around with a stern expression, now being an instructor.

"Not really." I tell him honestly.

He opens his mouth to tell me something, but before he can, the alarm goes off, I already know that it means an attack, since I remember that one time it happened in my former pack.

Edward comes over to me, while I and Liam stand up.

"Come on, I have to take the both of you to the safe room." He tells us, and we follow him.

One of the safe rooms is right next to the training grounds, since the pack members spend a lot of time here, and it's too far from the pack house, so we can't go to the main safe room that is there.

So, Liam and I enter the dafe room with all other Omegas, that were training, along with the girls, and all the people that aren't old enough to fight yet.

Liam and I sit at one of the corners, and we wait for a few hours, until finally someone let's us out, and he tells us that it's safe to go back to the pack house, or to our houses.

As I get outside, I look around, trying to find Edward, and I find him walking towards me, thankfully without any visible wounds.

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