Chapter 16

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Oliver's POV

I have found a thing that I miss about my former pack.

That thing is the fact that I was about to end my education, in this pack, no matter if you're an Omega or not, you have to attend school until you're eighteen, and all the schools are in the pack grounds.

This pack might not be restricting for Omegas specifically, but that doesn't mean that it can't be restricting for everyone.

But I still like this pack more than my former pack, at least here I dont feel left out.

"Eat quicker, you have to go soon." Edward tells me, and I groan.

"How old are you anyway?" I ask him.

"I'm twenty." He responds. "And you?" He asks.

"I turned sixteen a month before I met you." I tell him. "I can't believe that we didn't know each other's age until now." I say.

"Well, at least we know it now." He says, with a slight laugh.

"I hope that I will see Liam there." I tell him, bouncing my leg nervously.

"You most likely won't, he's a year older than you, but you might see him while you have breaks." He tells me, and I nod in acknowledgment .

It will take some time to get used to going to an actual school, in my former pack we were taught in very small groups, and here it's supposed to be a lot bigger groups of kids.

I wonder which one I will like more, most likely none of them.

"Don't stress, it will be fun." He says, and he shakes me by my shoulders, tryining to make my relax at least a little bit, before I will have to leave.

It doesn't work much, but at least I know that he liked to be in school, since I doubt that he would have told me that it will be fun, if it wasn't for him.

He sighs when he realises that it isn't working, I finish the last sandwich, and I stand up to give him a kiss.

"I should go." I tell him.

"Yeah, you shouldnt be late on your first day." He says.

I grab my bag, and then I go towards the door, but before I can open it, the door bell rings.

I look at Edward with a frown, since I didn't know that we were expecting anyone.

"Open it. It's Liam, he will take you to school." He tells me, so I open the front door, and it reveal Liam with a scowl on his face.

"Brighten up." I tell him.

"I can't were going to school." He tells me, and I laugh laudly.

I hear Edward laugh too, so I look back into the house to see that he's standing in the doorway of the living room, with Alex in his arms.

Edward will give him to the babysitter, before he will have to do his work, and that's training trackers.

Both of them waive at me, and I waive back, before I go out of the door, and I close it behind me.

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