Chapter 30

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Edward's POV

Oliver is finally able to go to the school, and of course, our babysitter had to get sick now, when there's no one to babysitter Alex.

So, I have to take him with me to my work, at least I will catch up with the paperwork, since I can't take him outside the pack borders, where I usually train the other trackers.

Now we are sitting in Isaac's office, that is in the pack house.

Evan, his beta, is here to, doing his part of paperwork as well.

I have no idea where Isaac is, he's most likely still sleeping, since he has trouble with waking up on time.

Just as I atart to think about him, he runs through the door, like he's running from a murderer, or something.

"Hi." He greets.

"Hi." I say, while Evan just looks at him with a frown.

"I overslept again." He informs us.

"Nothing new." I tell him.

"Do your work." He says, with playfull angry voice.

Evan and I laugh at him, as he sit down on his chair.

I give Alex some snacks, while I take another paper that needs to be sighned.

"Why is Alex here?" Isaac asks.

"The babysitter's sick." I tell him, keeping my eyes on the paper that is in front of me.

"At least now you will finally do the paperwork, it was laying on your dask for weeks now." He tells me.

"Yeah." I say.

He realises that he's distracting me, so he decides to start he's own work.

A few hours later, I have to go back to the house, since Alex decides that it was enough for today, and that he wants some real food.

I make him some diner, and he eats it while I wait for Oliver, who is still in school, but he should be back soon.

Half an hour later, Oliver walks in, and he comes over to me, so I hug him tightly.

"I'm bored." He tells me.

"You just got here." I tell him.

"Yeah, and I'm still bored." He says, and I chuckle.

"What do you want to do?" I asks him, and he thinks about it for a while.

"Can we go to the city?" He asks.

"We can take Evan, his mate, and Mia, and go to the park again." I tell him.

He agrees, so I call Evan, and we get ready quickly.

Then we drive towards the park, and soon we meet Evan and his family there.

We hang out with them for a while, but Alex doesn't want to play, so we don't stay there for long, and only about an hour later, we are on our way back.

When we sit on the couch in the living room, Alex looks angry, but he just sits on the pillow, and he stares at the blank TV.

I turn it on, but he doesn't seem interested in the movie.

"I wonder what got him this angry." I tell Oliver.

"I heard that two year olds are like this." He says, and I nod my head in agreement, when I remember that my siblings were like this too.

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