Chapter 23

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Edward's POV

A few days later, Oliver is too bored to stay in the house, and I don't have anything to make him busy.

So, I decide that it's time to go outside, it's not the date that I have promised, we will just walk around the woods, and we will take Alex with us.

He didn't see his babysitter from the day that Oliver came back here, since both Oliver and I are in the house all day, so there's no need for a babysitter.

Oliver seems happy about that, and I'm happy too, but I'm worried that Alex will get too used to that, and then he won't want to stay with his babysitter later on, when we will have to go back to normal.

"We are ready." I tell Oliver, as I finish putting the shoes on Alex's feet.

"Good, let's go then." He says.

I take the small bag, that we take with us whenever Alex is going with us, and we go out the front door.

It's not a hot day, but it isn't cold either, the sky is covered with clouds, so there is not way that it will get much warmer today through.

"I like this weather." Oliver tells me.

"I prefer when it's a bit colder." I tell him.

"That's not fun." He says, punching me on my shoulder lightly.

I just laugh, and I take his hand in mine, before I force him to follow me.

"Where are we going anyway?" He asks, most likely realising that he never asked about that, before he agreed to come with me.

"We will just walk around the woods, you haven't seen them yet, and the trees are a bit different than the ones back at your former pack." I say.

He agrees happily, so we walk hand in hand through the woods, with Alex walking a few steps in front of us.

On our way, I show them the berries that are growing in one part of the woods.

We stay there to eat a few of them, but Alex gets impatient after a while, so we continue to walk for as long as Alex is able to to go.

When he eventually gets tired, and he demands that I carry him, Oliver and I decide to go back.

As we near the front door of the house, I can smell that Oliver is soon going to have his heat again, which isn't very good, since he just had his heat about a month ago, so it shouldn't happen for the next five months.

I will have to go to the pack Doctor to ask him about that, it would have been nice if we were taught about this things in school, but sadly we have to depend on ourselves when it comes to stuff like that.

I decide to not tell Oliver about it for now, so I open the front door with my key, and I let him enter the house, before I go inside right behind him, with sleeping Alex in my arms.

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