Chapter 19

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Oliver's POV

Today is the day that I will have my surgery, and I can't be more nervous.

"Don't stress about it." Edward tells me.

"I will tell you that, when you will be waiting to get cut open." I tell him.

"You won't feel anything Ollie." He assures, but it does little to nothing to calm me.

He sees that it isn't helping at all, so he comes over to hug me tightly.

"We will be back here in less than a week." He says.

"I will have to stay the night there?" I ask, I had no idea that I will have to do that.

"Of course. They can't let you out of there right after the surgery, you will most likely sleep for most of the time that you will spend there anyway." He tells me, and I groan.

He picks me up, and carries me to the couch.

"Can you tell me a bit about your family?" Edward asks, after a few minutes of silence, trying to make me stop thinking about the surgery.

"Well there is papa and dad, papa is an Alpha of my former pack, and dad is an Omega.

They have adopted Mason after they found him in the woods, then they had seven kids, Denver, me, Tyler, Eliott, Scott, Wyatt, and Reggie." I tell him.

"Sounds crazy." He says, and I laugh.

"It's just the beginning." I tell him.

"A few years ago they have found out that Mason is their mate, and he had seven kids with dad, in a matter of two years.

So, now I have seven more siblings, Hugh, Leon, Noel, Joshua, Alex, Xander, and Quinton." I continue.

"Sounds crazy." He repeats, and I laugh even more.

"It is, I bet you wouldn't be able to stand all of the noise that they make, even I wasn't able to." I inform him.

"Yeah, I don't think a big family is for me, at least not that big." He says.

"I want three children." I tell him.

"Yeah, three will be enough." He agrees. "Hopefully only Omegas." He continues.

"No, I prefer them to not be an Omega." I tell him honestly.

"They're easier to raise, all the little Omegas that I now make little to no trouble." He tells me, and I laugh.

"I have run away from my pack, with a man that I met the same day, and I have taken my little brother with me." I remind him.

"Fair point." He tells me, and we laugh for a while, before there's a comfortable silence again.

We cuddle there for a few hours, but eventually it's time to go to the pack hospital.

"We have to leave soon." He tells me, and I nod in understanding, but I hug him tighter.

He sighs, but instead of trying to put me down, he carries me out the door, and into the pack hospital.

Alex is already with the babysitter, so we don't have to worry about him.

We enter the hospital, and we are greeted by the Doctor, he tells Edward that he won't be able to come inside of the room with me, so I give him a kiss and a hug, before I follow the Doctor into the room.

He tells me to lay down on the bed, so I do it, and then he gives me an injection that makes me fall asleep.

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