Chapter 12

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Edward's POV

We reach the pack house in a matter of minutes.

I still can't stop thinking about what we will do about Oliver's family, I can't believe that he's the son of an Alpha, that makes everything complicated.

I have no idea what we will do about it, but I know that I will have to tell Isaac soon, to see if he will be able to help us somehow.

It would most likely be the best if we just return Oliver to his pack, but I'm not willing to do that.

Since I'm Oliver's mate, he will be entitled to move to my pack in less than a year, when he turns seventeen, but I don't want Alex to have to grow up in the pack that has very strict rules towards Omegas.

In this pack he isn't even considered an Omega, he's a normal ranked wolf, just smaller then most.

"Hey, are you here?" Evan asks.

"Yeah, sorry. I got lost in thoughts." I tell him.

I look at Oliver, and I see him already looking at me, amused.

"This is Evan, and this is Don, you already met him then we were going back from the pack hospital." I tell him, pointing at each of the guys when I mention their name. "And this is Oliver, my mate." I say to my friends.

"Yeah, we know, we have already introduced ourselves when you were somewhere in your head." Don tells me.

"Alright then. Where are we going?" I ask them.

"We haven't decided yet, I think we should go to my apartment, and hang out there." Evan says.

I look at Oliver again, too see if he's fine with that, he seems to like the idea, so I nod my head in agreement.

We all go to Evan's apartment, and I make Oliver sit on my laps when we reach the couch, even through there is more than enough space on the couch for all of us.

"I will make some popcorn, and I will get some other snacks, you pick a game or a movie." Evan tells us.

We decided to play some shooting game first, it was for two players, so we played two rounds.

Then we watched a movie that Oliver picked, it was good, although it wasn't my favourite type of movie.

Somewhere in the middle of the movie Isaac came into Evan's apartment, with a lot of beer in his hand.

Isaac opens the bottles, before he hands them to us.

I take one quickly, before I drink it, I haven't drank any alcohol in a lot of time.

"I would have given you one, but I know that Edward is very strict about not drinking while underage, and I don't want him to beat me for giving a bottle of beer to you, so if you want it then you will have to talk to Edward." Isaac tells Oliver.

I look at Oliver, hoping that he isn't interested in drinking, since I have no idea if I would be able to say no to him.

I try to be stern, but when I see his puppy eyes, I just sigh loudly, and I hand him a bottle.

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