Chapter 35

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Edward's POV

I wake up the next morning, my head feels like it's about to fall off, and I can barely see because of the headache.

I sit up, and I wait for it to pass, eventually it gets a bit better, so I get out of bed quietly, hoping to now wake up Oliver, and I go to take a shower.

When I'm done, I go to see if Alex is still sleeping, but when I enter his room, I realise that he isn't here, so I go back to my bedroom to see if he's with Oliver.

He isn't there either, and I start to panic, but then I realise that Oliver probably didn't want him to be here while I'm drunk, so he most likely left him with the babysitter for the night.

I sigh in frustration, I have no idea why I agreed to drink this much.

I go downstairs, and I decide that I should make Oliver some nice breakfast, as a way of saying that I'm sorry.

It takes me over half an hour, but finally the food is in two boxes, so I go upstairs to wake Oliver up.

"I'm still tired." He tells me, as he opens his eyes.

"I have some nice food." I tell him.

He sits up, and I kiss him, hoping that if I will be nice, then he won't be angry at me about last night.

"Let's eat it then." He tells me.

He stands up, and he gets dressed quickly, then we go down the stairs, and I take the boxes of food form the living room, then I take him outside.

I have already set the blanket in the back yard, so I sit on it, and Oliver follows right behind, making me smile.

I hand him his portion of food, that is a lot smaller than mine, and we eat in silence for a while, then I remember that I have my phone with me, so I put on some music.

"Sorry for last night." I tell him after a while.

"It's fine, I had fun." He tells me, and I frown. "You let your head fall back, and you looked dead when the guards were carrying you." He explains, and he starts laugh.

I laugh with him, I don't remember anything like this, but it must have been very funny.

"We should get Alex." I tell him, after we finish the food.

"Yeah, it was almost dark when we got here, so I decided to just let him stay with the babysitter." He tells me, rememinding me that Alex is scared of the darkness.

"Yeah, that's a good choice." I tell him.

We take the blanket, and the empty boxes inside, and we go to get Alex, since we have today off, so we should spend some time with him.

On our way there, we see Evan and he smiles at us, but we pass each other, and he tells us that he's mate is angry at him, and he thanks Oliver for telling the guards to take him back to the pack house.

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