Chapter 38

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Edward's POV

Isaac has found the guy that hit Oliver the other day, and to my surprise he actually gave me his name, knowing that I will beat that man until he can't stand it anymore.

He just told me to not kill him, I think I can manage to do that much.

I ask one of the guards what apartment number he has, and it takes a few minutes, but finally I know where to go.

I make my way up the stairs of the pack house, and I get my fists ready, so I can knock, and then beat him up.

He opens the door with a frown, but he quickly tries to close it when he realises that it's me, and that I look angry.

I stop the door with one of my feet, and I let myself into his apartment.

"Sorry." He tells me.

"It's a bit too late for a sorry, next time think about consequences, before you do something stupid." I tell him, and I start to punch him.

Thankfully he doesn't scream, so I don't have to worry about someone hearing us, I wouldn't want to scare someone because of him.

When he's bleeding on the floor, sniffling quietly to himself, I sit on his bed, and I take my phone out.

I wait for about an hour for his body to heal, and when it's healed, I beat him again.

I repeat it a few more times until it's past midday, then I go back downstairs, leaving him to recover by himself, and to clean his own blood from the foor.

As I get downstairs I see Isaac, and I try to sneak past him, but he notices me.

"You didn't kill him, did you?" He asks.

"I didn't." I tell him, and he looks like he doesn't believe me, mostly likely because my hands are covered in dried blood, but he nods anyway.

"Good, now go clean yourself." He tells me, and as I go to one of the bathrooms, I see that he's going upstairs to check on his pack member that he allowed me to beat.

I know it must have been hard hor him to let me do that, since as an Alpha, he feels the connection to his pack members, and he usually do whatever he can to prevent anything bad happening to them.

I wash my hands, and it takes a very long time to get all the blood off of me, but I manage to get my hands clean.

Then I walk out of the pack house, and I make my way to my house, hoping that Oliver won't smell any blood on me.

But knowing my luck, he will smell it, and then I will be in trouble, because Oliver hates violence, even if it's necessary.

When I'm halfway, I smell a familiar scent enter my nose, but I can't quite recognise it.

I concentrate for a while, and my eyes widen when I realise that Oliver's father and brother have entered the pack lands.

Thankfully they're entering form the other side of the border, not the one that is in the direction that I'm going.

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