Chapter 37

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Edward's POV

"I have way too much energy today." Oliver tells me.

"Yeah?" I ask him, and he nods.

"Chase me." I demands, and I smirk at him before I run off, I quickly grab Alex from the living room, and I run outside with him in my arms.

I run towards the woods trying not to go too fast, so Oliver will believe that he might be actually able to catch me.

Alex screams in joy making me laugh, I look back to see that Oliver is doing his best to catch up to me.

I slow down a bit, to let him get close, but when he extends his hand to catch me, I run slightly faster.

He groans, and I chuckle at his frustration, after a moment he seems to use all of his stranth to run as fast as he can, so I do the same, and I leave him far behind in a matter of seconds.

I look back when I hear the he has stopped, and I see that he is frowning.

"I thought that I almost got you, but you were just faking." He tells me with a playful angry expression, while he walks towards me.

I let him come closer, but I already know that he will use any opportunity to catch me of guard, so when he is a few metres from me, I start to run again.

He groans laudly, confirming that it was his intention, I run just out of his reach for a while, he seems to get tired, so I decide that I shouldn't take him too far, since I will have to carry him back, if he won't be able to run anymore.

I make a sharp turn back making Alex scream happily, we I run back to our house, already hearing that my mate is out of breath.

"Where are you going?" Oliver shouts from behind me, as I pass our house.

I don't answer, and I continue to run until I reach the pack house.

Thankfully I spot Alex's babysitter outside, talking to some guys, so I run faster to make some distance between me an Oliver.

"Hey, can you take him for an hour?" I ask him.

"Sure." He tells me, so I kiss Alex on the head, and I hand him over to the babysitter, he doesn't seem to mind, so I run off again, since Oliver is getting close.

I run back to our house, this time I run inside, as soon as I reach it.

Oliver follows behind me, and he reaches me when I enter the bedroom.

I pick him up, and I carry him towards the bathroom.

"You have to shower." I tell him.

"You too." He responds.

We end up showering together, and when we're done he goes to redress himself into some clean clothes, but I pick him up, and I carry him to our bed instead.

I put him down, and I start to kiss his neck, making him sigh in appreciation, so I continue down his body.

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