Chapter 48

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Oliver's POV

"You will meet Jasper today." I tell Alex, who is uninterested in whatever I want to tell him.

He doesn't even spare me a glance, but I still continue to talk to him.

"And you have to be nice to him, because he's very little." I say.

I give up after a few more tries, since it looks like Alex isn't listening to me at all, he's very good at ignoring me, I hope that it will change soon.

"I think he likes to have a quiet house." I tell Edward, as he comes into the living room with a plate of sandwiches, one is already in his mouth.

"Was your family house that loud?" He asks.

"You have no idea." I tell him, definitely not missing all the shouting.

"I'm happy that he's enjoying being here then." He says.

"Yeah, we are both enjoying this pack." I tell him.

I take Alex from his sit at the floor, and I put him on the couch, so he can eat the breakfast, I sit next to him, and we start to eat the sandwiches.

"Will you tell him about your family when he's older?" Edward asks.

"Well, I will have to tell him something, but I have no idea what yet." I say.

"We will figure it out." He tells me, and I nod in agreement.

We will have to come up with something, before Alex starts to ask about his parents, I'm sure that he doesn't remember them by now, so we can tell him whatever we want.

"We should tell him that our parents died in an attack, and we decided to raise him." I tell him.

"Yeah, that should be good enough." He assures.

After we finish eating, Isaac calls Edward to tell him that he will be here soon.

And as promised, he comes inside our house only a few minutes later, letting himself in as usual.

He has a grey blanket in his arms, and I'm assuming that inside of the blanket is baby Jasper.

Isaac sits on the couch, and Alex comes towards him, so Isaac sits him on one of his knees.

He then moves the blanket to reveal the baby a bit more, and Alex's eyes widen.

He looks at Jasper for a while, before he reaches his hand to touch him.

When his hand is close to the baby, he smacks Jasper on the head, and then jumps out of Isaac's grip that loosened, since he was surprised at the sudden attack towards his son.

"Hey, you can't do things like this." Isaac scolds Alex.

Alex just shrugs his shoulder, and he goes back to playing with his cars.

"They will be best friends, I can already tell you that." Isaac tells us.

"To me, it looks like they will be mates." I say, and we all burst out laughing, while Isaac tries to make sure that his baby is alright.

"He will be fine, Alex barely touched him." Edward tells the worried father.

"I hope so, in a few years I will tell Jasper that Alex hit him, so he can hit him back." Isaac informs, and all of us start to laugh again.

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