Chapter 33

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Oliver's POV

When I get out of the school building, I make my way to my house, but I spot Isaac going my way, and he waives me over, so I go to him.

"Hi. What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"I wanted to tell you that Edward is in the pack hospital." He says, making me frown.

"Edward and the group of the training trackers were attacked by some rouges, and they managed to brake his leg, so he had a surgery to rebreak it." He exaplins

"Can I go to the pack hospital?" I ask him worriedly.

"Sure." He says, and I go back there with Isaac.

We reach it quickly, since the school is only a few minutes walk form the pack house.

When I enter the room that Edward is laying in, I realise that he's still asleep, so I sit on the chair next to the bed that he's laying on, and I just look a at him for a while, hoping that he will wake up soon.

A while later the Doctor comes in, he expalins that everything went good, and that Edward should wake up any minute.

He then leaves me here, and I wait impatiently for Edward to open his eyes.

It takes a bit over an hour, but finally I'm able to look at Edward's eyes again.

He smiles at me, and I smile back happily.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He says, before he takes the covers off to expose his leg that is still in the bandages.

"I think it's healing already." He tells me.

"That's not fair, I healed for a week, and it took you just a few hours." I say with a playfully glare.

"It's not my fault the you got some week genes." He tells me, and I roll my eyes at him.

"You're stupid ." I say.

The doctor comes inside the room a few hours later, and he removes the bandages to reveal a healed leg, just some scars are left behind.

"Can I go to my house now?" Edward asks him.

"Yeah, you should be fine, but take some rest, you will feel tired for a while, because of the medicine that I gave you." The Doctor says.

Edward stands up from the bed, and I take his hand, leading him to our babysitter's apartment, to take Alex.

"Are you already fine enough to walk around like this?" Isaac asks, as we start to climb the stairs.

I look at him, and I realise that he has Alex in his arms.

We get back downstairs, and I take Alex from him, before I give Alex a small hug.

"Why was he with you?" Edward asks him, his eyebrow raised in question.

"I was about to go check on you, and I thought that it will be nice to bring Alex with me." Isaac expalins.

"Okay." Edward responds.

"So, how is your leg?" Isaac asks, and all three of us go towards one of the couches, so we can sit, and talk for a while.

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