Chapter 29

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Oliver's POV

I forced Liam to play soccer with me again, since I enjoyed it the last time.

He agreed, and now I'm getting ready to go out, but this time I already know that I should wear sweatpants instead of jeans.

I could barely run last time, so I don't think it's very good to were jeans if your going to have to run.

The door bell rings, so I take Alex and I go to open it.

It weekend, but Edward has to work today, and since I'm not allowed to skip school anymore, I want to spend some more time with Alex, before I will be forced to hand him over to the babysitter almost every day again.

Alex's doesn't mind playing outside, so that isn't a problem, I can just leave him on the grass, and he will occupy himself.

That's one of my favourite things about him.

I open the door and Liam smiles at me.

I greet him, and I step outside, so we can go towards the training grounds.

This time when we reach it, we can't find any balls, so we go back to my house in disappointment.

"Hey!" I hear Edward yell, when we pass he pack house.

I turn around to look in the direction of his voice.

He comes towards us with a smile, and hugs me tightly.

"How's your day?" He asks.

"It's good." I tell him. "How's yours?" I ask him.

"Bussy." He responds. "You're on a walk?" He asks.

"We were going to play soccer, but we couldn't find any balls." I tell him.

"I can get one for you." He says, and he goes to the pack house, before I can even respond.

He comes back quickly, with a ball in his hand.

"Thanks." I say when he reaches us, and I take the ball from him happily.

"No problem, have fun." He tells me, and he kisses my head, before he goes back to work.

We go back to the training grounds, but since it's far, and we already walked for over an hour, we're already tired, so we don't end up playing after all.

We joke around, and a few hours later were joined by Edward, Don, Evan, and Isaac.

They take the ball, and they demand that we pay with them, so we oblige, and we spend the rest of our day playing soccer.

When I'm too tired to play, Edward picks me up, and carried me to our house, while I hold Alex in my arms.

I make us something to eat, while Edward baths Alex, and when he's done, we eat in the living room, since we're too lazy to go to the didnig room.

We play with Alex for a while, until it's time for him to sleep, and I take him to bed, while Edward talks on his phone with Evan.

We meet in our bedroom, and we decide to take a shower together, then we go to bed, and I cuddle close to him already half asleep.

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