Chapter 26

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This chapter is dedicated to iminlovewiththecalum LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! Thanks for being with me from the beginning!! Xx

Liam's pov

"You have to hit the high note!" Julian exasperated for the fourth time.

"I'm sorry I'm just a little distracted" I retorted running my hand through my hair.

"There's no reason to be this time!" Harry interjected

"Yeah Bryce and Lacy are home with Jo and Ari's on the plane home" Niall explained

"Nothing could possibly go wrong" Michael added

"Well actually-" Calum tried to proved Michael wrong but he earned a hard nudge from Louis who was standing on his other side.

"I'm not worried any things going to happen," I tried to explain how I felt but words were difficult to describe the feeling of being six thousand miles away from your new family.

"Then what's your excuse for not singing well?" Julian spat throwing the song sheet at me, rougher than necessary. "Listen Liam, I understand you have a family now, but there's no excuse for you not to be focusing on the band. We gave you a more than generous amount of time off, so now it's time to pull yourself together and get your head out of-" he was about to I continue but Niall tugged at his arm and motioned for him to dial it down.

I was grateful for nails actions, but I almost wish he would've let him continue since Julian was right- every word he said was right. There was no excuse now so I had better get my act together.

"I will give you three minutes to talk it out with your boys and then I need you, all of you, ready to work" he said more calmly before leaving the room and shutting the door tightly. For a while everyone was silent. It was then I realized that it was my responsibility to speak up and apologize.

"Look guys" I began tugging at my hair "I'm really sorry for the way I've been acting. I know its not fair and there's no excuse so" I shrugged and really hoped they got the message because I was beginning to feel uncomfortable standing there in front of them.

"Liam we get it" Harry said, drawing the attention away from me.

"Yeah we know you have kids now but for the first time in like a year" he paused for emphasis "there's nothing to worry about" Zayn added in an attempt to soften my mood.

"If there's anything I've learned through my years it's that Ari can hold her own" Louis started. "Not only can she pull through but she'll find a way to prosper." It sounded like he finished but then he looked directly at me.

"Liam" he began "Ari got the children here after all that we've been through... Do you really have to worry about her taking care of them?" He asked rhetorically.

I knew he was right and I wasn't worried that she couldn't handle it because I knew she could. It's just some kind of protective feeling that I can't describe. There's just something about having your fiancé and children home alone that strikes a protective nerve in me. I feel the need to be there and worry about their safety and well being.

"Liam?" I heard Luke's voice snap me out of my thoughts.

"I know and you're right-" I was about to try and explain how I felt but I realized that they wouldn't understand it because none of them have been blessed with the chance of being a father.

"You're right" I went with "thanks guys" I finished as I stood up and flashed a fake sigh of relief.

"Alright are we ready?" Ashton clapped excitedly just as Julian walked back into the room.

Fireproof // Liam Payne fanfic (sequel to Through the Dark)Where stories live. Discover now