Chapter 35

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Liam's pov

"He basically asked you out and you didn't even respond! I bet if I didn't walk over there you would've said yes!!" I yelled angrily.

As soon as the words left my mouth I knew I was wrong and I could tell by the slight gasp she let out and the way her clothes just slipped through her weak fingers, that I had crossed the line.

"That's what you think of me?" She asked softly. "That just because I was mad at you I would cheat on you?" Her voice became weaker with each word that she spoke.

"Ari wait I didn't-" She cut me off before I could even finish by brushing passed me and walking out of the hotel room.

What did you just do? I mentally shouted at myself. I quickly ran to the door and opened it back up, calling her name as I did. It was too late though, she was gone.

"Ari no" I whined to myself and slammed the door shut. Not even moments later I heard simultaneous cries from beside me. "No no no" I uttered while quickly dialing her phone. I threw it on the bed when I heard "Change Your Ticket" playing from behind me, signaling Ariella had left her phone in the room.

She always told me that was her favorite song because my voice sound "powerful and sexy" in the chorus. I smiled at the memory, but my smile quickly faded when I realized the girl of my dreams may never say anything like that again if I don't fix this.

The first thing I had to do was rock both babies back to sleep or there was no way I could leave this apartment.

"Come here Lacy" I cooed picking up my screaming daughter and rocking her back and forth. Just rocking and walking around didn't seem to be working, so I did the only thing I knew how to do- sing. Little things was the most appropriate because it was a soft melody that may calm her.

I started from the beginning at Zayn's part and got up to Louis's part before she was fast asleep in my arms. I walked around the room a little bit more to ensure she was asleep and would not stir when I placed her next to Bryce- his crying subsided but he seemed to be in distress.

"I know you like mommy better, but mommy's not here" I whispered as I repeated my actions of walking around the room again. "Can you be a good boy and fall back asleep?" I asked my son who was staring at me with wide eyes.

I began to hum along to Night Changes while continuing my walk in circles around the hotel room. Ari always told me that soothing motions made babies fall asleep because it calmed them, except I could never pay attention when she did it because her hips were always swaying back and forth which was quite a distraction.

After singing my part a few times in various songs, Bryce's eyes closed and his breathing steadied, which told me he was asleep. Gently, I placed him down in the crib next to his twin sister who was still sleeping.

"Who would be up at an hour like this?" I mumbled to myself. "Calum" I mumbled and sent him a text telling him to come to my room. He didn't respond, but less than one minute later I turned when I heard my door being opened and it was Calum.

"What's up?" He asked seeming to be wide awake and not phased by the fact I texted him at one in the morning.

"Ari and I got into a little bit of a fight and she left and-"

"She left?!?!" He nearly shouted and interrupted me.

"Yes now I have to go find her before she gets lost or hurt or I don't know" I rushed my words out because I was anxious to find her.

Fireproof // Liam Payne fanfic (sequel to Through the Dark)Where stories live. Discover now