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(Sorry this isn't an update)

I just wanted everyone to recognize that a very tragic day passed yesterday, known as 9/11. For those of you that don't know, on September 11, 2001, two planes were hijacked and they crashed the twin towers located in New York City. The towers went up in flames from the plane impact, and both crumbled to the ground, taking thousands of people with them. Unfortunately, many of these people did not live to tell their story, but may we never forget their existence.

Also, my blessings go out to those who helped putout he fires and carry people to safety. Many firemen and officers weren't even on duty that day, but they insisted on going anyway. It's sad to say that many of those officials died, saving the lives of others.

My prayers go out to all those who lost a loved one in this tragedy, and to those beautiful people who died saving them. May God bless each and every one of you and your families, and may we never forget the incident from this day.

If anyone has any questions or any steam they need to let off about this, please do not hesitate to message me. I am here for all of you always!


Fireproof // Liam Payne fanfic (sequel to Through the Dark)Where stories live. Discover now