Chapter 37

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*im changing the date of the wedding to June 8th be issue I completely screwed up the dates so the original wedding date didn't correspond to Lacey and Bryce's birth but it has no impact on the story so just pretend it was June 8th all along*

Ari's pov

"Bryce stop being difficult" I whined at my five month old son who was squirming on the changing table. I needed to change his gauze so it stayed fresh, but he kept flailing his arms.

"Baby this isn't going to hurt" I cooed and gently unwrapped the bandage and tossed it in the garbage. His arm was red around the wounded area, but the doctors said it was normal so I didn't think twice about it.

Gently, I rested my left arm across his body so he didn't move as I carefully wrapped the bandage around his inevitable scar. Everyday I worried about him because there was no way of me knowing if he was in pain or not. For the most part he seemed like a happy kid, but I didn't know exactly what he was feeling.

"All done" I cooed kissing his nose and placing him in his play crib. Even at five months, he was still a little small but he was able to now move his arms and legs by himself. He couldn't sit up or roll over yet, but the doctors said that was because he was premature. He could hold things in his strong hand, and he was attempting with his other, which was huge progress.

Lacey on the other hand was moving more freely. She attempting sitting up by herself, but I don't think she was strong enough yet- at least she was trying. However she was able to hold things and roll over on both sides of her stomach, which was one step closer to crawling.

I was in the middle of changing her from pajamas into a pink onesie when the chorus of Change Your Ticket began playing from my phone. Lacey's eyes widened and a huge grin broke out of her face. Soon enough she was giggling like crazy and moving her arms and legs around.

"Hi Li" I answered the phone as I continued laughing with my daughter.

"What are you laughing at?" He answered and I heard the smile in his deep, raspy voice.

"Lacey really likes Change Your Ticket" I giggled "she's dancing and laughing and it's so cute" I smiled.

"I can't blame her, it is a great song" he replied cockily. "Must be sung by a great group of guys" he said playfully.

"Yeah I think I've heard of them" I played along. "I've heard the blonde one is really hot" I teased. "Or maybe it was the curly haired one" I said trailing off and waiting for his sarcastic come back.

"No everyone says the one named Liam is the sexiest in the group and word on the street is he has the best voice too" my fiancé replied back to me and I'm sure a cocky smirk was plastered across his handsome face.

"Hmm I've never heard of a Liam" I laughed, as did he. "What's going on?" I asked with a giggle, changing the subject.

"We just finished up our meeting regarding the following month" he said vaguely.

"Ah I see," I replied. "Did they give you any time off for an upcoming wedding and possibly a honeymoon?" I asked hopefully. It was never made official that Liam and I would get a chance to honeymoon. With his job and the babies, it seemed so unlikely to both of us that we would even get a day aside for the wedding.

"Actually yes, I have seventeen days off starting June 6th when we fly over from New York all the way through our two week honeymoon" he said with excitement slightly present in his voice.

"Two weeks?!" I nearly dropped the phone in shock. "I didn't even think you'd get the wedding day off" I laughed although I was being genuine.

"Well the boys and I did a little pleading and blackmailing until we got our way" he laughed. "But we got it, and I'm taking you away for two weeks."

Fireproof // Liam Payne fanfic (sequel to Through the Dark)Where stories live. Discover now