2. Trouble Already?!!

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Becky POV

I just done my photoshoot for today in FSC Studio and getting ready to go back to dorm where it was prepared by the company especially for the foreign model or those family lived far from Bangkok. Oh yeah, my name is Becky Armstrong, 21 years old this year and currently working as a model in the mosttt successful modelling and advertising company, FSC Entertainment. This has been my dream and i sworn to myself if I ever work in this company, i will put all my heart on it and do my best to become the most successful and famous model.

I have a brother name Richie Armstrong that currently living in Chiang Mai together with my mom while i work as a model in Bangkok. Growing up in a chaotic family, i had promised myself that i will work my hardest to earn more money and make sure to give my family a good life. 

We lost our dad when i was in 16 years old and my brother was 18 years old. He died from a car crashed causing from losing control. The lost devastated all of us because dad had been a good and supportive head of family to us. After two years my dad passed away, mom finally opened up her heart to a guy named Robert which was a dear friend of my dad. 


He was very kind, gentle and loving towards all of us that i thought he can be a good head of family for us to replace dad. But i was wrong. Well three of us were wrong. He was kind infront of us but behind us, he did something illegally but we never get to found out what it is about. He started borrowing money everywhere and apply loan and worst, he put my mom as a guarantor for him without my mom knowing. Not only that, he always begged my mom to make love with him every single night even my mom was too tired from work. He was very good in his words to convince mom and mom gave in all the time until one day, mom refused to make love with him because she was exhausted from work and also on period that made him gone angry and started forcing mom to do it despite her reasons.

He started became aggressive to mom, pulling her roughly making her kneel down before unbuckling his belt, pulling out his cock trying to push my mom's head to blow him. Mom used all her strength to push him away and shouted on top of her lung to get our attention for other room. Richie and I ran towards the master room and tried to open the door but its lock from inside. Mom's shout getting loud and suddenly turned to muffle sound making us worry as hell. Richie ran trying to find any heavy object to throw to the door. I saw the fire extinguisher at the corner of the walkway and immediately shout Richie's name to use that. Without wasting any time, Richie grabbed the fire extinguisher, ran towards the door while asked me to back off, used all strength he got banging it to the door until it broke the door and cracked opened.

Once the door opened, the sight was unbelievable. We just saw the guy that we trusted the most standing naked half lower body with hard cock pointing mom's face, kneeling on floor crying mess. Richie can't contained his anger and started charging towards Robert and swung the fire extinguisher to him causing it to hit his chin and stumble down. I ran to mom dragged her away from the chaos but still in the room. Robert got up pretty quickly after Richie's attack and threw a big punch on Richie making Richie lose his balance and fell on floor. Unfortunately,  because Robert is bigger and stronger than Richie, the fire extinguisher now held by Robert and he tried to walk to Richie and wanna slam it on Richie's face until mom slammed a big vase behind Roberts head while i called police and ambulance. Robert fell on floor with bleeding head but it still not enough to knock him off. He saw that there's 3 vs 1 plus i had just called police loud enough for him to hear, he quickly stand up and run away before police arrived.

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