31. Calm Down!

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Hello guys!! I saw some of you are excited for double update in a day. Thank you so much for supporting, loving and waiting for my story. But I'm really really sorry, I can only update one chapter a day because the other times i will need to work and rest. My body and mind are not capable for double update. hehe..

Btw Thanks so much for supporting!!!!!!! Love Love!!


"Beckyy!!!!!!!!!!! Beckyyyyy!!!!!!! Let me go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kade, Yuki and Mrs. Chankimha try their best to hold and block Freen from approaching Becky. Even it is 3 vs 1, they find it difficult as Freen's strength was different that before. Luckily there is no walk in patient or any patient waiting at that time.

Tee who heard the mess at the lobby, she rush to the area finding 3 women trying their best to stop Freen.

"What is happening???!!!! Freen stop it!! You gonna hurt them! Please calm down and let's talk in my office!" Tee tried to calm the situation.

"Calm down???!!! You ask me to fucking calm down???!!!! Becky is here all the time and all of you hide from me!!! Now you ask me to fucking calm down?????!!!!!!! What kind of friends you all??!!!!"

"Freen!!! Don't talk to them like that!! They got a reason why they do this! Please you have to calm down and let them explain!!"

"Freen please listen to auntie. We are trying to help you! You have to calm down. Let's go to Tee's office now!"

"No no no!!! If I go to your office now, you guys will bring Becky away from me!!! I can't trust all of you anymore!! You guys lie to me for two fucking months!!!! Tell me!!! Tell me how to trust you guys now!! You guys are not trustworthy!!! You guys are not my friend!!!! Tee!! I funded this clinic of yours!! You better listen to me and lead me to Becky or else I will use all the power I have to shut----"


A loud slap was heard at the clinic's lobby. Freen finally stop pushing forward and so do all of them. Freen holds her cheek, looking to her mom to say something, but before she utters any words, she stops when her mom look at her with tears filled her eyes. She can see the look from her mom is not anger, but hurt, disappointed, and sad. Kade and Yuki goes to each side of her mom, hugging to comfort her.

"Is this calm you down? Does this really have to be this way to make you stop and listen??!!! You are my daughter, and I want the best for you! And them, they are you friends!!! They love you, and they want the best for you!! Yes you have it hard, but do you ever think of how hard people took it too???!!!! Freen Sarocha!! Maybe you forgot, but I am here to remind you. You hurt the woman you love just because you say something without using your damn brain when you frustrated or angry and you lose her!! Now what???!!!! You gonna say something crossing the line to your friends as well????!!!! How much more people you want to hurt and lose them before you actually realize they are important to you??!!!!!"

Mrs. Chankimha letting out her disappointment to Freen. Her whole body shake because of the situation. "Auntie.. please calm down. Take a deep breathe. You are shaking auntie.. Please"

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