5. Wow !! 🔞

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"S-Shall we s-start?? ahhhh~~~~." Freen started stroking her dick. Freen felt so turn on that her dick started leak some precum.

"M-Ms. Freen... t-that's huge a-and t-thick! A-and, m-my period have not come for this month" 

Becky really couldn't believe how huge Freen's dick is. It's about 9inches long!! Or maybe even 10??!!! She don't know the exact length but for sure it is fucking huge!! Seeing the precum also make her worry about getting pregnant.

"U-uhhhh~~~ Don't w-worry Becky. My sperm is infertile. ahhh~~~ I will s-show you my r-report about this later. B-but please h-help me now~~~ urgghhhh~~ blow me~~" 

Freen closed her eyes and keep moaning while talking. The sensation was too much this time. It feels different compare to her masturbating alone. With the thought she will do it with someone just turn her on so much.

Hearing that, Becky decided to just trust Freen and kneel down in front of Freen. She knows no matter what she can't leave Freen hanging like this. Her dick is throbbing in need to release.

Freen jolted when she felt hand grabbing her dick and start stroking. Becky started licking her length and suck it like a lollipop. Becky looks up to see Freen's reaction and it seems like Freen enjoying her work. Becky started to turn on and get wet down there looking at Freen's lustful face.

becky wants to see more of Freen's reaction so she lick the sensitive tip of Freen's length and massage her balls using other hand. Freen widen her eyes looking at Becky and the sight just unbelievable. 

She has a deadly gorgeous lady sucking her cock while licking her sensitive tip and another hand massaging her balls. Freen felt the sweat forming on her body and keep bucking her hips following Becky's sucking rythm.

"Becky, please d-do it faster. ohhhh fuck! D-dont hold yourself. Stroke me uhhh uhhh f-faster and...... harder!! I'm close.. ahhh damnittt!!"

Becky stop sucking her to follow the order and began stroke her faster and rougher. Becky never do this even to her ex-boyfriend but she know Freen can handle what she ask for. 

"Oh gosh Ms. Freen, it is really huge and hard right now. Do you really hold yourself since the time u saw me just now?" Becky was curious how the hell Freen be able to hold this hardness inside her pants.

"fuckkkkk... ohhh yeahhh.. y-you have no idea ahhhh~~ how hard i stay calm.. urgghhh.. i'm cumming.. cum-cumminggg... Becky take the dustbin! quick!! ahhhhh!!!!"

Becky quickly take the dustbin under her table but seems like Freen's cum come sooner that it shoot becky's shoulder before Becky be able to put the dustbin in front of Freen's dick. Freen saw that quickly hold the dustbin while Becky stroke her dick directing it to the dustbin for cumshot.

"ohh shit shit shit ahh.. ahh... ahh... ahh... ahh... urgghh... arghhh...uhhh.. uhh... arrghhhhhh~~~" Freen cum to the dustbin while Becky in shock seeing how much cum Freen release. It was thick and so much!

Becky still milking Freen slowly to ride out her high. Seeing the heavy load and how Freen's dick and balls twitching while cumming and even after cumming making Becky turn on as well. She can felt her pussy drenching.

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