60. Mission Success or Failed?

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Faye put the last bag full of cash on the table. Few bags with a total of 1 million in cash. All of them gather around it along with a trusted friend of Faye, Lt. Steve and his assistant, Sgt. Danny. Both of them had experienced in many high profile cases and came out success.

Daisy dropped a typed message for the next instruction. 

*XXX building, Becky and one person only. After drop money, Becky stay, other out. If you disobey, one click, all die*

Song walks to Becky and gave a programmed ring. "Nong Beck... wear this ring. Please press the button here when you think its fit for us to charge in. The signal will be received by both me and Faye since theres only two receiver for one ring."

She watched Becky slide the ring at her finger, she can't help to pull Becky into a tight hug, but still give a little space not to squash her bump.

"Haiiihhhh my nong Beck... little Bec Bec.. Please be safe, Dear God, please protect all our friends in this mission." Nam, Tee, Yuki, Heidi, Kade and Heng follows them into a group hug. Faye smiles seeing their sweet friendship. She turns to look at Lt. Steve and Danny,

"Lt. Steve, Sgt. Danny, please protect them before we can come in. I trust you two." Both of them just nodded.

"Okay guys, its about time. Becky, I already brief the mission to Lt. Steve and Sgt. Danny. Lt. Steve will follow you inside while Sgt. Danny will observe from somewhere else. Try to observe the surrounding when you talking to Daisy later. Here, use this phone. I saved an IT man number for you, he will stay with us too. When you talk about transferring money, just call him and say the amount. He will make a fake transfer which will notified her about receiving money too. You just need to act well. Okay?" 

Becky nodded. She is nervous as hell but for her hubby and her friends, she will do the best she can. While they make a last preparation and loading their car, Kade is looking for Faye but she can see she talking to her phone smiling. 

"Don't worry babe, it's just another normal case. Don't worry about me okay? How about a dinner date after this case done? I promise. Okay, love you babe" Faye hung up.

"Mood booster before mission?" Kade approach Faye. Faye just nodded shyly, "Well...  the voice from our lover is everything" "Oh by the way, you change clothes. Wait, don't tell me you gonna follow us?" Faye rise her eyebrow.

"Yes Faye, I'm really worried about them, I will just stay with the team, please let me follow you guys." 

"No no no Kade, you stay here with them. Heng and Song follows, the rest stay. Especially you! Look, even Josh is my ex, but I still care for him like a brother, so I will never let anything bad happen to his love one. Please just stay here and trust us okay???"

Kade just sigh but she eventually listen to Faye.  At this point, she has no choice but just stay and wait, praying that everybody will come back safely.


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