37. Mom....Dad, Thank You

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Mr. Chankimha and Freen are enjoying their car ride while spending their father and daughter bonding. Freen had always close to her parents but mostly her dad because they are like bestfriend, unlike her mom, her observant attitude send chills to your spine sometime.

"Dad?" Mr. Chankimha hummed in responsed. "Do you think Becky won't run away if I really really rewrite the agreement?" Freen is focusing on the road since she is driving, her dad seated at the passenger seat. She did not get immediate answer instead, she gets a flick at her forehead.

"Ouch!!!! Dad!!!! What's that for?" Freen takes a glance to her dad before focusing on the road again, rubbing on the area her dad flicks. Her dad laugh at her before answering.

"What's that for? For being dumb dumb. Seriously Freen? I thought my story helps clearing your negative thought, but since it's not working out, I need to take different approach then." Her dad laugh again.

Freen whines at her dad's teasing. "Dad~~~ You know I love Becky a lot! It's not like I don't trust Becky, I just.... scare. I'm so lost when she gone missing for 2 months, I can't bare not seeing her again. "

Mr. Chankimha sighs, his daughter is like a lost puppy now. "Freen, stop doubting. Listen to me, just rewrite the contract, since you planned to marry her too, just appoint her higher position, I heard Nam told your mom that she did a great job managing previous project right? I'm sure it will motivated her more if you show more trust to her. Don't forget to always ask what she wishes to be too. She still young and has a lot yet to explore, you should help her for that. But, once you open the opportunity to her,  she will get busier. You should always be patient and considerate, pamper her when she is tired from work, not begging for attention. Plan your bonding time regularly, it doesn't have to be a planned trip, just a short bonding time will do, as long as you know what happen in each other's daily life. Stop focusing on your sexual desire, I know the experiment had messed up your hormone, but try to pay less attention on that, just focus on how to maintain your relationship, all the affection will come  and lead to it naturally."

Her dad is giving a long ass advice but everything is right. Since Freen really did planned her future with Becky, she can start now by slowly helping Becky with her dream and in the same time court her. Freen smiles thinking now that she has another way to court Becky, she really wants to make Becky happy. She mentally note that Becky will eventually involve more in the company's operation if she is willing to come back so she knows that she can't be desperate as before, she needs to learn to be patient and don't focus too much on her sexual desire. She can't repeat the same mistake. While having a deep thought, she felt a sharp stinging pain at her forehead, again!

"Dad!! Why flick my forehead again?!!" Freen groan with pain, her dad flicked the same exact position again.

"I don't know what you are thinking right now, probably thinking of your honeymoon plan with your girl but please spare my life. I still have a lot of idea to impress your mom. Focus on the road!" Mr. Chankimha replied in faked angry tone, but he is laughing.

"Oh seriously dad? You already win mom's heart, you don't have to try so hard already." 

"Who said you don't have to try hard even after you got married? You don't have to wait till Valentine's Day, everyday is Valentine' Day as long as you know how to keep the flower bloom." Mr. Chankimha smiles proudly making Freen cringe, but she can't deny that her dad is really a romantic person. Her dad continues.

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