56. Home

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After Freen and the boys talked the other night, she asked for Becky's opinion  about the double wedding to which Becky gladly agree to it, the more the merrier. After that day, Freen speed up the preparation for their wedding.

Josh and her plan the most luxury wedding for their lover but in the same time stay private among them only. The venue will be held at the most special place chosen by Freen while the wedding set up will be planned by Josh.

A week after that, they hold a mini bachelor party during the day to celebrate it with Freen's and Josh's employees while at night, Freen invited the gang to her new house for house warming and bonding time but she does not tell Becky because she wants to surprise her later on.

Freen is driving Becky to their new house and Becky kept bombarding questions to her.

"Where are we going babe?"

"Where is this place that you said special?"

"You never told me about it"

"Babeee talk to me... Don't just smile"

"Don't tell me we are going to get married tonight"

"Babe you said it is gonna be another 2 weeks"


Freen can't stop smiling and eventually laugh out loud because of Becky's curiosity. The whole ride full of Becky's curiosity and her own assumption.

"My love, this place is the most special place for us, our beginning. I can't tell you where it is but 100% sure you will love it. Just trust me in this okay my wife?"

Freen turn her head to look at Becky and smiles before focus back to road. Only that enough to make Becky's heart melt and stay quiet, rubbing her tummy while waiting patiently through the ride. When they past the highway, Freen puts her other hand on Becky's tummy and caressing it. She loves to feel the baby bump, especially because that's their greatest gift in it.

Becky just let her hubby touch her belly, she knows Freen loves to feel her baby bump while she also love when Freen touches her, maybe because she keeps wanting to feel Freen's warmth on her.

Reaching the front gate of a private land, Becky's eyes widen upon seeing the exterior landscape of the land. It's literally how a rich people lives in, huge mansion with crazy floral landscape, mini garden with cute hut built in between and a pond. From the gate, Freen slowly drives in to the front of their mansion, Becky keeps wowing every single things she saw and keeps slapping Freen's arm whenever she got over excited.

"Babe this place is crazy!!!! Oh my gosh can we can we can we do our wedding at the garden there? it look sooooo beautiful!! Since we won't be inviting so many people though, pleaseeee" *puppy eyes*

"Oh no wait baby, there might be not that suitable since there is no roof if raining, how about how about--" Before Becky can finish her excitement, Freen stops her car and stop Becky's talking as well.

"My love~~~ My soon to be wifey~~ *kiss kiss* there are still more to show you, after that, i'm sure you will have more to talk about" Freen smirk seeing Becky's curious face but she just go out from her car, go to the other side and open the door for Becky.

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