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"We are done"

Freen's world collapse upon hearing that. "No no no no love please don't.. Please hear me out.. I did not cheat on you.... please honey please... please don't break up with me... I love you so much!!! you are the only one i want to spend the rest of my life with"

Becky put on her nightwear without looking at Freen. Freen fall on her knees, hugging Becky's waist begging for her to stay. She cries uncontrollably that her whole body is shaking.

"That is not cheating?? That woman clearly say she was having fun with you just now... You were with her right?" Becky look at somewhere else while talking to Freen. She is crying as well.

"I honestly do not know who is this person, i swear!!! She been texting me out of nowhere since last week and keep saying things as if we were together.. I really do not know who is this person honey... please trust me!!" 

"SInce last week? And now she still texting you meaning that you not even bother to block that anonymous number. You clearly keeping her as a back up huh? You know what.. I'm done with this. Leave me alone"

"No no no love I blocked her but she still can reach me!! honey plea---"

"I said... stop and leave me alone. I need some time to breath" She tries to walk away but Freen hugs her tightly preventing her to walk away.

"Honey please... please trust me.. I did not cheat on you" Becky tries her best to free from Freen that at some point, she gather all her strength and anger, pushes Freen to the floor.

"That's what you said last time and guess what??!!!! You kissed Heidi!!! So... enough is enough!!! Do not come near to me!!" With that, Becky walk away to the bedroom and lock the door, leaving Freen sitting on the floor crying.

Becky lays on bed, crying her heart out. For all these time she thought Freen love her genuinely, but the truth is she is no different like a free use slut.

After calming herself down, with tons of negative thinking in her mind, in the end she decide to pack her things to leave here the next morning. She can't stop herself from crying while packing but she needs to get it done.

While packing, she realizes her phone had been blinking for some time so she goes to check. Turn out Josh had been calling her several times. Just as she wants to hit the call back button, her phone rang again. She prepares herself before answer the call.

B : Hello P'Josh.

J : Thank God you finally answer. Is everything okay??

B : What do you mean? Of course everything is fine. What make you ask that P' Josh?

J : Freen called me a while ago, she sounds... unstable? and she also asked me to increase full security for you just in case she can't protect you anymore. Becky please tell me, did you get any text from anonymous number as well? 

B : No? What do you mean I get that as well? You know about the anonymous number too?

J : Yes, Freen told me about it. That person been sending tons of messages to Freen as if there were conversation going on among them, even Freen never replied to any of it. She tried block the number but she still getting messages from the same number, as if the number is unblock-able .

Becky starts to alert on what is happening.

B : Did you tried to track it?

J : Yes I did. But it was untraceable as well. This is not an easy person and she seems prepared on what she wants to do. Freen had been stressing about this matter.

B : Why she never told me about this? Isn't this is a serious matter? What if I found out about the text? Isn't that gonna make me misunderstood everything?

J : I asked her to tell you before but she don't want you to get the same stress as her. Plus she wants you to have stable emotion throughout the pregnancy. She hires some skills bodyguard to guard your safety from afar. I can see that you are well protected but......

B : But what P'Josh?

J : Please don't tell Freen about this. i'm sorry Becky, I don't want you to stress out with this matter but both of you are like my family and I want everything the best for both of you.

B : What is it P'Josh? Don't worry I assure you I can handle.

J : Freen had been doing intense work out and often go on hardcore training. She wants to be able to fight any possible bad people that trying to harm you. Being able to protect you is a good thing but I can see she kept forcing her body, and... I just got a feeling that Freen is worrying a lot about you and the baby's safety, until she forgets to take care of herself.

Becky's heart ache hearing the truth revealed. She never thought Freen had been under great pressure lately that she even refuse to listen to her explanation, and put her under even more pressure. Thinking all back, Freen had been trying so hard to prove her love but it seems that she was only doing this alone, fighting alone. Becky finally realize she had let her insecurity punish Freen. She needs to make things right.

B : I will talk to her about it P'Josh. Thanks for telling me. P'Josh, can you please do me a favor?

J : What is it sister?

B : Can you please arrange people to guard her as well? And please find a coach that can assist her into proper training and dieting.

J : Anything for the best.

B : Thank you so much P'Josh.

Becky ended the call. She closes her eyes, letting tears fall down. My poor hubby, I'm really sorry baby. She looks down and caress her belly, mommy make daddy sad again, mommy is sorry.

Becky walks out of the bedroom to look for Freen. She saw Freen is in her office,facing out of the window. She slowly opens the door, thinking that Freen probably just spacing out. But when the door open, she can see Freen is on handsfree talking to someone.

"I don't know if I will be able to marry her or not. Everything has messed up. But Mr. Aroon, whatever it is, whether I live or dead, whether we are married or not, please do the best you can to put her name and our baby's name under my property, 90% will be theirs when I no longer live. The rest just share it for my parents and friends. Get it all done and I will pay for all the processing fee and your bonus."

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