15. Hunting You

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You guys make me cry!!!!!! 

All your support and comments really make me happy to write every single day!!!

 Can't find way to thank you all enough!

Love Love y'all!!


**One week after~~

Becky now working at the resting area while keep stealing glance at Freen side. Ever since Freen's incident in the toilet, Becky started being protective over Freen. She will automatically stands up whenever Freen trying to move. She had tried to ask about what happened on the other day in the toilet that cause Freen in pain but Freen just say the pain occur because peeing make her penis muscle tense(?)

Well the truth is Freen was aroused when she saw Becky's panty making her handle herself but her penis's condition at that time was not stable yet. She can't tell Becky about that but Tee be able to guess it right so she gave Freen a bundle of lecture while doing check up without Becky in the room.

Freen's condition is improving day by day and her penis also did not occur any intense pain anymore. She did feel some stinging pain but it wasn't serious. She can still walk and stand normally. So when Freen wants to leave her bed to toilet, Becky rush to her side to assist her, she said

"Honey, my love, my baby~~ I'm getting better day by day and plus I just want to go to toilet, not somewhere far, you don't have to rush to assist me all the time honey."

"Well the last time you said you be fine going to toilet on your own and look what happen. And FYI my baby, the incident was in toilet too!! So no more excuses. I'm gonna assist you anywhere you go. End of talk. Or else, I am not gonna have sex with you even after recovered" Becky said sternly making Freen zipped her mouth.

She loves Becky being so protective and guarding her most of the time but going to the toilet while Becky watch her doing her business just make her feel shy and awkward. Why? Because......... as in now, they stand in front of toilet bowl, Freen standing wanting to pee while becky holding her penis. The heck who don't feel shy!!!!!!

"Ba-babe, I-I eerrrr I can hold it my-myself" Freen stuttering because now she is blushing. "Shhh baby, you are doing your business, stop talking and focus." Freen zipped her mouth again and do her business.

lol i'm scolding my boss, my saviour, my love, my baby. *mentally laughing*  but but, she deserved the scolding. if she let me helped her that day, she won't be in pain. I.... I know we have not commit to each other yet  and i probably have no right to act like we committed to each other but... after we confessed our feeling, non of us reject the feeling either... so isn't that mean we are 'kinda' in committed relationship? Yes......? No.........? Errrrrrghhh!!!!!!  *frustrated expression*  whatever is this, I must take care of her, make sure she is well recovered so we can back like before and...... yeah... I kinda miss our steamy session. Her body's warm, her touch, her domination, my penis, my balls.... ehhhh what waittttt waitttttt!!!!! Not my penis and balls!! thats hers!!!! But.......... th-they are ..... mine toooooooo .... I'm the mommy monster right??? No one can take what's mine!! They are my baby! *pout*

"Ba-babeee~~~ Yo-you are holding my thing for quite some time already. An-and...... why you keep tighten your hold??  I-I already finish." Becky sniped from her thought after hearing Freen call her. She looks at Freen's face, and look down, she realize she is gripping the cock tightly. She quickly let it go and apologize to Freen again and again.

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