44. Not A Nice First Day Work

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As planned, Freen and Becky woke up early the next day to prepare going to work. However, they would never missed out their sexy morning session and happy breakfast time before going to work.

Now, they are getting ready to work after done putting on office outfit. Freen with her handsome black suit and Becky with her tight dress with sleeve. Both of their jaws' drop looking at each other. Freen approaches Becky and wraps her arms around to pull her closer.

"Honey!!! Damn you are stunning!! This tight dress shows your body curve so much!" Freen keeps showering kisses all over Becky's face while her hands roam around her body. Becky pushes Freen by her chest and gives a sharp glare.

"Babyyy!!!! If you keep doing that, i swear we would never able to start our first day work! By the way, thanks for the compliment love~~" Becky gives a short peck at Freen's lips.

"You look so beautiful my love~~ Haihh what if our staffs drool over you??!! This can't be" Freen's face turn serious instantly but Becky just giggle at her lover's possessiveness.

"Relax baby, I'm sure they are too scare to approach me if you gonna introduce me as your lover later. Speaking of me, you are way too handsome too baby. Now i'm worry our models gonna gone crazy over you" Becky pouted, she runs her hands at Freen's collar, the thought of their models having crush on Freen makes her insecure.

Freen hug her tightly, "Love... You are my one and only, i promise you, no one have my attention other than you. Plus.... i try my best to be this handsome is to make you fall for me more, I don't care about other people" she winks at Becky, Becky just blushes so hard at Freen's flirty words.

"You always know how to construct your words on me huh. Wait, you not wearing your hard cast anymore?" Becky can feel that Freen is not wearing it since their hip are close to each other.

"Nope. Baby, i no longer aroused by those models, I've been wearing boxer for two months and i have no problem around them. Ask Nam and Song, I really did behave myself baby. Oh and... i customize my suit making it long enough to cover until half thigh. Because.........."

Becky squint her eyes, waiting for Freen to continue her words. Freen just smirk "Because what if this lady that i'm hugging right now make my buddy stand when we are in work, my suit is long enough to cover it. Also because, my buddy only react to the magical touch and beauty of this most beautiful lady"

Becky blushes so hard and scream in embarrassment but Freen just laugh her heart out. Becky gives light punches on her chest several times but Freen holds both of her hands, "You were embarrassed but it's true right my love"

"Baby~~~~ stop teasing meee" she buried her face at Freen's chest, they just stay hugging until their laughter died down.

"Okay my lovee~ no more teasing. Come let's go to work. Wait for me at the door okay i'm gonna check around before go out." Freen kiss her forehead before walk out from their bedroom. After making sure all her belonging is ready, she walks out their bedroom but her tracks stop when she looks at her baby's anklet. She looks at it lovingly.

Love, mommy hope you saw mommy is finally united with daddy again. Please guide our love okay sweetie? Mommy will always love you wherever you are. You will always be mommy's first child.

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