16. Unlimited Breath 🔞

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Oh my!! You guys seriously are the best! Love you all sooo much!!

I promise will work harder !!!


"Ahhh~~ ahhhh~~~ Oh yeah Josh.. Yea baby keep going oh yessss!!!!! ahhhh Love!!! I'm near!! Right there!!!"

"Arghhh so tight!! I miss you a lot!! ahhh~~~ Let's come together baby.. Co-come to me!!" Josh thrusting his girlfriend hard and fast as their climax are near. With some thrust, both of them come together, hugging each other tightly.

Josh thrust her slowly to ride their climax while panting. He pulls away slightly, kissing her with full of love. "You are amazing Kade mylove. I miss you a lot.. Sorry I haven't been present lately" Josh look at Kade with apologetic eyes. He feel guilty to his girlfriend because he hasn't spend more time with her lately. Kade is a registered private forensic and also a friend of Freen.

"It's okay Josh. I know you are busy with your work, we both are. But promise me even how busy we are, don't forget to update each other everyday okay love?" Kade looks as Josh lovingly, her hand is on his chest, drawing circle before lean in to kiss his chest. She admits she misses Josh a lot but she understand both of them are busy. "Don't worry, I promise I won't" Josh kisses her forehead.

She then remembered that when Josh came in a while ago, he was holding a file and something in plastic. Look like he got something to ask her do but she accidentally 'seduce' him that both of them were naked in less than 5 minutes they met. Since she stayed overtime at her lab to do extra work, no one is there at that time.

"Btw... I know you need some help right? What is it?  Sorry to distract you doing this. But..... I don't really feel guilty." Josh smiles at his adorable girlfriend, pinch her nose and said

"I like this distraction too so its okay. Actually yeah i need some help. Its related to the recent case" Josh and Kade parted away, dressing casually and sit to talk.

"The raping case right? I watched the news. I saw the crime scene, unable believe one person can let out such a big amount of semen. It look abnormal honey"

"Yeah it is. Btw I told you on the other day about Freen's test result right? You know I kinda feel like there are some connection." Josh's face turn serious, so serious that the thought scared Kade.

"Y-yes I heard that. *Silence* Oh My gosh!!! Are you saying................... the person behind these raping related to Freen's kidnapper that escaped?" Kade asked, widen her eyes in interest and horror.

"Yes. I have a hunch babe. I just feel like he is back. And, Heng able to get this from the second case, a blue pill. Can you help me find out what it is? Well we not sure its belong to whom because anyone might dropped it right? But I have a hunch this belong to our guy."

"How do you say so?" Kade ask curiously.

"Heng told me that the person who found out about the scene was the Bar's owner, since no one scream or inform any of our staff about the discovery, so it's seems like she is the first person found out so she straightly call Heng, well Heng always come to this bar and the Bar's owner know his identity. She called him because she don't want to cause a big mess if they ever called police. When he arrived there with the team, everyone searching around and collect sample, that's when he saw this pill on the drain cover. It's still look clean so... it look recently dropped, maybe when our guy left the scene."

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