41. Come Back Home

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"Arghhhhhh ho--honey pleaseeee no more already~~~ I'm so exhausted everytime I cummed. You literally drained me... uhhhh love~~ wait wait waitt don't move...."  Freen laid on bed with Becky on top of her, both calming down from their lovemaking.

After their last lovemaking (chap 40), they had a passionate kiss which it getting too intense that both getting aroused again. As usual, it's Freen's junior woke up again that made them start again but after that it's Becky kept starting new rounds.

Becky put her hands on Freen's chest, pushing her body up a bit to face Freen, and slap her chest. "Heyy you make it sounds like I am the one horny, let me remind you if you forget, its your baby monster kept poking my tight first okay baby." Becky glare at Freen, Freen just chuckle.

"But after that, whose the one can't stop her hand, rubbing my baby monster, fondle fondle my balls huh? Honey~~ i think my memory getting weak, please tell me whose the one say 'ohh I can't get enough of your cock, i'm so addicted to it, i can't stop, daddy give me more, don't you dare stop' who say that ???" Freen raise her eyebrow, tease Becky making Becky blushes so hard hearing Freen repeat what she said awhile ago.

"Not me" Becky look at Freen's chest, answers in very low voice while drawing circle on her chest pouting.

"Ahhhh not you huh my love? ouchh that hurt. I guess I need to look for the person that 'addicted' to my monster then, because this person on top of me not admit, maybe it was another person on top of me just now right?" Freen continue to tease Becky, but sorry Freen, wrong move.

Becky shot a sharp and deathly glare to Freen, her cheeks puff as if she is angry, she then move her hip from left to right roughly causing Freen's body jump in shock, her whole body shakes uncontrollably. Freen tries her best to pin Becky's hip close to her so Becky stop.

"HONEYYYY ARRRGHHHHH!!!! STOPPP STOPPP OHH GOSH I'M SORRY!!!! I-I WAS JUST KIDING!!! LOVEE ARGHHHHHH!! I-I STILL SEN-SENSI-SENSITIVE!!" Freen totally forgot that she had not pull out and her post orgasm had not over several minutes so she has not fully calm down yet.

Becky slows down her hips, Freen keep shaking but not that intense anymore because Becky still moving slowly. "You gonna find who??" Becky fake threaten.

"N-no one.. On-only you m-my love.. I- hahhhhhh....I just kidding love,...... love pleaseeeeee" Freen buried her face at Becky's chest, she is hugging her so tight, her body will keep jolt until her sensitive subside.

Becky stops her hip. She slowly pushes Freen back to lay on bed before lay on her chest, she gave kisses to her chest while her hand goes down to rub her abdomen, giving pressure to help subside the sensitiveness.

"Are you okay baby? Sorry... Is that hurt?" Freen just smiles, even her body will still jolt sometime, she still can response to her love. "Not hurt at all my love, just sensitive, don't be sorry... actuallyy............................. I kinda love your possessiveness, so fierce... aummmmm"

Becky laugh on top of Freen, unintentionally making her lower part move. Freen pin Becky's hip, Becky take the signal and control her laugh. "opss baby.. hehe.. babe~~~ please don't find other people..." Becky pouts, Freen immediately realize she had joke the wrong thing just now.

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