47. The New Beginning

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After their dinner gathering the other day, Freen and Becky's relationship had back to normal. Even though most of the time they would fight because of Becky's insecurity, but its only a short fight before it becomes a wholesome wild lovemaking, and they would wake up the next day making love again as if they were not fighting the night before.

3 months past, Becky had her own Paris project on planning with her team while Freen backing up Becky by making sure the quality of their models. Both of them had gotten busy but they still make sure to have time for each other, they never forget what their moms' advises:-

Freen's mom : Freen, you are a very successful lady seeing by how you build FSC, but now it's time to build your family. Do take care of yourself and also Becky. Mom understand your complexity,  but please remember that just because its been harder for you, it doesn't mean it had been easier for other people. Now that you got Becky, please do not let her go again, if she busy, take some time to talk it out with her, make it up. Do not keep it on your own until you burst out all in once. Remember my dear, words that come out can't be taken back, so please always mind your words.

Becky's mom : My baby BecBec, can't believe my baby now grown up and have someone reliable to take care of. Becky, Freen is a good lady, and very responsible person. I did not see her when you were in the hospital last time, I guess... something happen to you two right? But now that you two had got back together, and she had been taking good care of you, I'm relieve. I can see Freen always try her best to be your best partner, so becky, please appreciate it because not everyone are lucky enough to get such a caring partner. I heard that you were appointed as one of the highest lvl position in her company, you must be busy right? Even how busy you are, do not neglect your partner, your future family. Focusing in family and work are hard but you have to learn how to manage you time well. And... stop saying you are ugly because of the scars, you are not my dear. Change that mindset, where is mom's positive thinking baby Bec? Whenever your insecurity comes up, tell yourself that you are not ugly, the scars show that you are a fighter and you live. okay sweetheart..

They remember the advises most of the time and that's how strengthen their relationship. 

Freen just come out from shower after coming back from working out with Josh and Heng. This had been Freen's routine everyday after work, the trio will either work out or have martial art practice while Becky spent her after work time together with Nam, Song, and Tina. Tina had been joining them ever since the start of Becky's Paris Project because she is one of the model / coach so she also involve in the managing team. Their hang out are mostly about 'girls' thing and the project stuff.

Freen is folding laundries in the wardrobe room while Becky is sitting in front of the mirror doing her facial routine. While arranging the clothes, Freen realizes Becky's new sanitary pad is not opened yet. Ever since they got back together, Freen had always bought Becky's pad every months and she even know her menstrual cycle, the amount of pad needed and use, so seeing the sanitary pad is not opened yet makes Freen curious.

"Love? Today is 19th, if i'm not mistaken, you menstrual cycle should had full turn by .........last week?  Why your pad is not open? Is everything okay honey?" Freen walks out of the room and stand by the door, looking at the back of Becky while talking to her.

Becky on the other side holding her smile, "Um....... my menstrual have not come" Just a short and relax reply. Freen was curious about Becky's casual reply, but then she realize something, she run back inside the wardrobe room, take a look at the unopened pad before run back to Becky.

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