50. Missing You Like Crazy

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"I don't know if I will be able to marry her or not. Everything has messed up. But Mr. Aroon, whatever it is, whether I live or dead, whether we are married or not, please do the best you can to put her name and our baby's name under my property, 90% will be theirs when I no longer live. The rest just share it for my parents and friends. Get it all done and I will pay for all the processing fee and your bonus."

Becky stop on her tracks. They way Freen always put her at first priority drown her with guilt.  She wants to talk to Freen but everything happen exhaust and worn her out so she slowly closes the door, holding every furniture she can touch while walking back to the room. She note herself mentally to only take a nap and must wake up later to talk to Freen again if she still awake so she does not lock the door.


Becky's eyes open straightly after she heard her phone's rang, looking out of the window, bright sun shooting inside the room make Becky frown. She quickly look at the caller ID and answer the phone.

B : Morning P'Nam. 

N : Morning Nong Bec. Hey... I call to ask if you are okay, it's past 9 already and you have not come to office. Is everything alright?

B : Ohh.. sorry I overslept, was not feeling well last night. But I'm okay right now. Emm... Had Freen starts working?

N : That's good to hear. Freen? Oh I thought she told you? She made a last minute change, saying that she will be the one to attend the meeting with Mr. Taimushi in Japan. Supposedly we assigned two of our top manager to represent her since she said she doesn't want to leave your here alone, but i don't know why Freen suddenly called this morning saying she will be the one to attend it. She asked me and Song to accompany you for 4 days when she away.

Becky's heart crushed, firstly she doesn't get to talk to Freen properly as what she planned because she slept throughout the night and secondly, Freen seems to giving her the time that she asked for which she totally regrets it and lastly, she makes Freen going on her days with heart break, after all effort she did just to make her happy.

B : Ahh... umm.... I will prepare myself to work later. By the way, can you postpone all my meeting for these days? or maybe find someone to represent me? 

N : Sure.. but how about meeting with us, Heidi and Tina about the Paris Project, postpone too? and Nong Bec... are you really okay??

B : Paris Project is fine since its only meeting among us. Can we talk later P'Nam? I gonna get ready now.

N : okay Nong. Don't need to rush, just take your time getting ready and be careful okay? 

B : Okay.. thanks P'Nam.

The call ended. Becky quickly check if there were text messages from Freen, and yes there were.

Honey, sorry I entered the bedroom without your permission, it was unlock so I just enter to check on you. I'm really sorry about everything, I'm sorry I hurt you again but honey please give me a chance to explain. I really have no idea about the anonymous number and no, we never met too. But It's okay, I will give you time to calm down so I'll be away for 4 days to Japan for the meeting with Mr. Taimushi. I've asked Nam and Song to accompany you for these 4 days, please do tell them when you not feeling well okay? I've told Tee that i'll be away too so she will check on you as well. I won't be turning on my phone so that we can have cooling time together. But when I got back, can we talk? I love you so much my angel, my love life.

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