53. Give Me Your Forever 🔞

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After their friends left them, Freen carried Becky back to their penthouse so Becky can rest more comfortable there. Tee told her before she leave that the med will only take affect for several hours so she can wakes up again the same day. She must make sure Becky eat something after that to replenish her energy.

While waiting for Becky to wake up, Freen cooks Becky's favorite chicken porridge and when she wants to make milk tea, she realize they were out of ingredients so she asks Nam to help her buy it because she scares to leave Becky in room sleeping. After half an hour, Nam deliver the ingredients and Freen directly start making Becky's milk tea.

Just nice she done making the milk tea, she heard a 'thud' sounds coming from their bedroom and faint crying sounds can be heard. Freen rushes to their bedroom, found that Becky is sitting on the floor crying hard. The sight broke her heart so much and she was scared if something bad happen to Becky. She rush to Becky's side and hug her. Becky whom can't believe Freen's presence, keep looking and her with tears flowing non stop.

"Honey!!! Are you okay? What happen??? shhhh... i'm here now, i'm here my love. i'm so sorry for leaving you" 

Becky buried her head at Freen's chest, both of her hands gripping Freen's arms tightly.

"You....... back?? You... here... with *sob* me..... You *sob* are really here *sob*... I miss you so much baby... i'm sorry baby *sob*, i'm really sorryyy *sob*.. please don't leave *sob* me....." 

Her body is shaking from the crying, she just can't believe Freen is really here with her.

"I'm here my love, i'm here now. I miss you too, i miss you so so much that i really felt my world darken without seeing you these past days.. I love you my love... and please don't sorry honey, i should be the one to apologize for leaving you, forgive me yeah?" 

Freen look at Becky lovingly, Becky's heart melt from Freen's eyes, she missed her a lot! Slowly, she moves up to capture Freen's lips to which Freen respond it immediately, lashing all the longing they felt for not having each other past few days.

The kiss was hungry and wet, when slowly become heated up but Freen suddenly remembered the thud sounds she heard a while ago, quickly stop the kiss gently and scans around Becky's belly. Becky frowns because Freen stops the kiss but she can see her worried face while scanning her body.

"Love, I heard thud sound just now, did you fell? How did you ended up on the floor? Did you hurt somewhere?" Freen asks in worried.

"I woke up just now and i see nobody, i remembered the plane crash before i passed out, i...... i was scared baby. When I wanna go out to look for them, my surrounding was spinning so thats why I was unable to balance myself and fell, but it was just a light fell baby. I did not feel any pain, just heavy head."

Freen look at the time, it only shows minutes past 8pm. 

"Maybe the med still take affect on you but you woke up, thats why you feel dizzy. Do you want to sleep some more honey? You look tired" Freen can see visible dark circle under Becky's eyes, she feels really bad for making her go through this.

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