6. Too Much 🔞

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Freen's phone beep indicate that there's incoming message.

Freen woke up from the sound and reach her phone and open the message.

"oii bos! didn't know u two move so fast! It's been one and half hour but still no one coming out. hahahahaha.. btw all other staffs in this office went to the field for the ongoing project. I will join them for monitoring and report the process to you later. You have all evening with your girl. hahahahahhahahhahahaha.. Btw I've done your agreement and emailed it to you. Read it okay? bye byeeeee~~~"

This Nam really something. Freen chuckles. Nam really help Freen a lot ever since her dark past. Both of them owe each other a lot so they always be by each other side when any of them need help.

Damn Nam she is really good! ahhahaha.. okay i will check it later. Thanks so much buddy!!!

After that Freen put away her phone and look at the smaller girl in her arms. She look so cute and peaceful while sleeping. She could look at her like that all day. 

Realizing she still naked and dried cum at her pussy, Freen grabs the tissue box and also the wet wipe near her table, slightly move Becky to her side so she has easy access to her pussy. 

Freen wipe the dried cum and then use the wet wipe to clean Becky's breast and pussy. While cleaning her pussy, Becky felt something cold and wet at her pussy but she was too tired to wake up.

But she suddenly realized she still naked and currently lay above her boss, she jolted up nervously. She wants to apologize but she was too nervous to speak.

Surprised by Becky sudden awake, Freen thought that she had disturb Becky's sleep. She immediately says

"Ohh Becky u awake! Sorry i must had disturb your sleep! I just wanna help to clean your body so you won't feel uncomfortable later. Let me clean it a little bit more okay?"

wow, Ms. Freen is so thoughtful, kind and gentle. Oh no, why I'm getting soft with this. it's impossible to fall so fast! But she probably will never treat me romantically. We got a deal btw.

"Thanks so much Ms. Freen. I didn't know you are such a gentlewoman despite your cold face"Becky chuckles. 

Freen softly replied"Well i prefer people think I'm cold instead of friendly. it's better that way"

 Freen smiles and proceed cleaning Becky's pussy


Becky's POV

I look at her face while she cleans mine, slowly look down to what she doing, and then i realize she haven't clean her dick yet.

So i look at the table, grab a piece of wet wipe and slowly reach to hold her dick and wipe it.I can feel she tensed by what I'm doing so i nervously says

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