19. Friday Night 🔞

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RESULT!!!!! Since you guys made a new category, so I just follow you all along ^^.

F = 22 VOTES


F&B = 14 VOTES

Friday Night won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Freen carries Becky to room. Once they enter their room, Becky's jaw drop seeing the interior design of their room. It look like a first class hotel room. But before Becky able to take her time enjoying their room, Freen hug her tightly from the back, right hand grab her left boob while left hand slip inside her pant, to touch her clit, slightly rotate and pinch it.

"Enjoying our room love?? I can be your special guide to tour you around this room. We will having a stop at each of the furniture in this room. I asked Josh to prepare a special room at his mansion so whenever we hangout, this will be my room. Now, it's our room." Freen smirk from behind, she fondle Becky's boob while talking making Becky arch her back due to the pleasure.

"Ba-babe~~~ ahhhh~~ Ca--can we tour fi--first before start? Oh gosh babby your touch is so good!!!!" Becky moan in pleasure. She admit Freen really do her so good.

"No love, I'd love to save time, so it's mean, 2 in 1, tour, while....... make love~~ Let's start with our front door" Freen turn Becky around with one swift, making Becky yelp in shock because of Freen's strength. She remove every single pieces of Becky's clothes, leaving her naked now at the door, standing with legs apart while Freen kneel down sucking her clit and enter 2 fingers inside her pussy.

"Wh-what!!!! You purposely st-start from here!!! ahhhhhh!!!! Of-of course I know this is front door!! ohhh fuck!!! Baby I don-dont know if i can handle if we having stop at every furniture.. Oh baby your tongue!" Becky kept buck her hip front and back banging the door, Freen is doing a good job in making her moaning mess.

Freen kiss her way up from Becky's clit to her mouth, looking sharp to Becky with her predatory eyes "You can, and you will. Plus what did you said just now? You want me ruin you tonight right? Baby, my love, I am the person that take thing LITERALLY, so yeah, I will make sure you won't be able to walk tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll be your knight serving you tomorrow"

With that, Freen added one more finger making it 3 fingers in total, thrusting Becky hard and fast without letting Becky speak. Becky wrap her arms around freen's neck and Freen wrap one of her arm behind Becky to pull her hip closer. Freen lowers down her head, sucking and biting one of Becky's boob hard. She kept switching her attention to other boob and do the same sucking biting until Becky climax.

Her body shake uncontrollably but thanks to Freen's strong arm supporting becky. Seeing Becky had cool down, Freen guide becky to stand in front of her and said

"Now let me show you where the bathroom is. Follow my GUIDE" Freen emphasize the GUIDE, Becky not understanding it but soon she was shock when Freen pulls her hip behind, then enter her from behind. Freen starts fucking her from behind, and start walking towards to bathroom. Becky just follows her lead while getting fuck.

Every thrust getting harder and rougher until they enter the bathroom. Again, Becky was shocked with how spacious the bathroom is, it looks as spacious as the bathroom in Freen's penthouse.

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