48. Done? 🔞

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After Becky told Freen about her pregnancy, Freen waste no time to call both of their parents and the gang about their greatest gift. Their parents were so happy to hear that but sad in the same time because they can't plan a gathering as both side of their parents were busy so they promise to find a perfect time to plan a gathering to celebrate the good news. Well it is not surprising for Tee since she is the first one Becky approached when she suddenly felt unwell.

Freen had been showering lots of love and undivided attention to Becky, making sure her lover getting the care she needs during her pregnancy. Freen wants to 'pause' her workout routine with the boys but Becky insists that she can go with them whenever she wants because she don't want Freen block out all her routine just because of her pregnancy. 

There will be time where Becky might need Freen's attention 24/7 so she wants Freen to have her own 'me' time during her early stage. Same goes to Becky since she wants to hang out with the girls when she still can before she might start to busy when the baby is born. Heidi now joining the girls' gang because she proposes an idea related to the Paris Project and Becky was very happy to her idea so she suggests Heidi to join their managing team as well.

Another months passed, both Freen and Becky are living like a married couple even none of them talk about marriage. However, Becky's insecurity hit her again when she accidentally saw a pops up message from Freen's phone:

*Hey babeh! I miss you so much! When are we gonna meet again sexy?? I miss our little hot time!*

Even they are a couple, she still make sure to respect each other personal privacy so she holds herself not to check Freen's phone without her conscience. Ever since that day, Becky's insecurity started to stress her out and overthinking but all the negativity always wash out by Freen's unconditionally care towards her. 

A pair of strong arms wrap around Becky's waist who zoning out while cleaning the dishes making Becky startled. Both of them just got back from their hang out and just finishing their light dinner together.

"Ohh sorry honey.   I was talking to you but you weren't answering when i ask question. Are you okay my love? Are you tired? Let me clean it so you can take a rest love." Freen plants kisses on top of Becky's head, just like this, Becky's heart fills with love again.

"It's nothing baby. Sorry I wasn't paying attention just now. I'm almost done here. And... nope I don't feel tired at all baby. How can I feel tired when someone keep asking me to sit all day." Becky gives a sarcastic teasing to Freen because ever since Freen know about her pregnancy, she always make sure Becky well rested and only work in short amount of time, take a long rest, continue work in short time , and long resting time again.

"Honey I just don't want my child's mommy to feel too tired. You are carrying our child my love, that must be tired with all the sickness right?"

"Baby you can't pamper me too much. I asked mom about pregnancy and she said its okay to work because it is part of exercising as well. I need to move more so I won't feel the sickness that much."

"But---" Becky cuts Freen's words when she turns around and wrap her arms around Freen's neck, scoot closer to kiss her.

"No but.. baby.Don't worry so much about me okay? I promise, I will rest when I feel tired and I won't tire out my body. Okay baby???" Even Freen is quite disagree with Becky, she still have to follow what she said, whipped. But then she think of something naughty.

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