11. What is happening?!! 🔞

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Becky caress Freen's chest while resting at the walkway. She opens the top button of Freen's shirt and slip her hand inside to caress her. All of sudden, Becky chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?" Freen ask curiously while kissing Becky's side head.

"I wonder where did all this cum coming from babe. It look, keep increasing day by day. And the monster seems hard to calm down. Look!! It twitching again!"

Freen smirk. She push Becky down till her back touch the floor and pin both of her hands above head.

"My baby, I think you started to forget who in charge here. How dare you punish this monster. Now you have to face the monster's daddy." With that Freen lean down capture her lips, slowly kissing her way to Becky's neck, earning a moan from Becky.

"Mo-monster's d-daddy? o-oh no~~ I'm in trouble" Becky was so turned on by Freen's domination. She will need cool pack again after this.

"You are seriously in trouble babe. I give you 2 choices. You want to do it here, or inside my private room?" Freen's other hand roaming Becky's hip, travelling down inside her panty, pinching Becky's clit while other finger teasing Becky's entrance.

"W-what's the different? ahhh~~ Baby your fingers are magical!! P-pinch it more!!"

"Actually.... no different. I will still ravish you all day today. I will punish you for slapping my cock earlier." Freen stands up, leave Becky for a while to take their stuff. After that she walks to Becky and before Becky could speak, Freen carries Becky at her shoulder and walk inside her private room. There's a secret button for locking and enhancing the sounds proof system for all area from her office till her private room at the wall behind the door, she clicks it. Freen will make Becky shout on top of her lung today.

After closing her door, Becky thought Freen will carries her to her bed, but she is wrong again. Freen put the stuff and Becky down, undress Becky quickly before press Becky's face to the door and pull her hips towards her. Freen goes down to her knee and start eating Becky's pussy from behind.

Becky holds her moan because she worry people might hear her. Freen speak "Baby don't hold your moan. I want to hear your voice. Call me daddy. Moan for me. The sound proof system is on for you."

Becky let out her moan. This pleasure is too much for her. Freen lick her fold while one hand pinching and pulling her clit. Looking behind, Becky can see Freen harden cock hanging. The sight turn her on even more. Becky's climax is near and Freen could sense it when Becky tighten her pussy.

Freen enter 3 fingers inside Becky, pounding her faster until Becky moan loudly letting out her cum. Freen lapped all her juice, not wasting any bit. While lapping Becky's, Freen decided to be a little bit naughty so she enters Becky's again with 3 fingers while sucking Becky's clit hard.

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