7. Penthouse 🔞

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"D-do you..... Do y-you thinkk................. we can continue at my penthouse?"

Becky rise her body and support it with her ankle to look at Freen. She was shocked that even after 2 rounds of mind blown sex, Freen's still rock hard!

"Oh my gosh Ms. Freen, it isn't going down??!! How much strength you got for these many rounds?!!"

"Eerrr like I said, 4-5 rounds I will be fine. But it's okay Becky.. I can see you also exhausted. Since it gonna take some times to go back to your dorm, what if you come with me to my penthouse? Don't worry I will let you rest and maybe later on we will have dinner together. Tomorrow is Saturday and I'm sure both of us free from any schedule"

"Why did she always so thoughtful? Oh my, I can feel I started to fall for my boss. She seems keep making sure my wellbeing was taken care of. Look at that hard cock, I can't let her this way." Becky thought to herself.

Freen then pull out wet wipes and walk to Becky's side helping Becky to clean up. But to her surprise, Becky hands move to Freen's hard rock cock and hold it firmly.

"It's okay Ms... Let me.." But before Becky start stroking her cock, Freen stop her.

"Let's continue this at penthouse. We can do anything we want there. I will ask people to clean this all. Don't worry. They are the people I trust. Btw, what you want to eat for dinner?" Freen put on her pants and didn't bother wear the hard cast. Her dick can be seen visibly hanging inside.

Becky get dress while answering "Is it okay if I ask for sushi? I love sushi but they are expensive" she didn't bother put bra and panty on because her boss surely make her gone naked all night.

"Sure! I love sushi too. Anything for you. I will order many kinds so you get to taste all type of it. Take all you belonging. Come let's go"

Freen wants to go to her penthouse as fast as possible. This hard cock can's wait any longer to burst. Freen holds Becky's hand and lead her to the secret elevator behind her tall wall, next to a door and press the button. Becky was limping so Freen wrap her arm around Becky to support her. Look like the sex was wild!

At that time, Freen makes a call to her private and loyal bodyguard that had served her for 5 years. She uses airpod since her right arm is wrapping around Becky while her left arm holding her coat.

"Hello Josh, I need your help to send people to clean my office. Welll... There's leak everywhere. hahahahahhaa. And after that please help me ordered sushi platter with minimum..... 24 kinds of sushi. You can ordered for yourself as well. It's on me. Bring mine to the penthouse"

Josh at the other call "wow, look like someone found someone! And also become so generous!! hahahaha.. Don't worry. You can count on me. By what time you want the food to arrive?"

While Freen and Josh were talking at the phone, the elevator's door open and Freen guide Becky inside the elevator.

"At 7 please. I don't want any disturbance tonight okay." Freen says that while looking at Becky and wink.

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