10. Behind The Wall 🔞

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*Sunday Summary

Freen is now at Josh's office after sending Becky back to dorm on Sunday morning since Josh wants to meet her to talk about Becky. They got information about her.

Josh started telling Freen about Becky's have an older brother named Richie which is 23 years old this year. their dad passed away when she was 16 and Richie was 18. After that, their mom found a guy named Robert as husband, and their stepdad.

Robert had been applying loan even before marrying Becky's mom so he married Becky's mom just so can put her name as a guarantor. Josh's team manage to gather all the lists of loan company Robert's applied on and also the amount he owed. The total loan indeed slightly over 10 millions.

However, they not manage to find where did he spent on the money before vanishing. Freen also learn that Robert leave the family after attempt of raping Becky's mom. The details of the police report is in Freen's hand. Freen clench her fist reading that. What an animal!!!

After summarizing their meeting, Freen getting ready to leave when Josh says

"Freen, I have some bad feeling about this Robert. Their case, his missing, kinda..... link to our suspect"

Freen raised her eyebrow "Why do you say so?"

"Your parents gave 1b, my family gave 1mil, and.... lets just say this is our guy, after getting the total loan of 10 million, isn't he got enough money to proceed with his experiment? All those equipment, the steel room, the set up, all the ingredients we found, it was all genuine and expensive. Not to mention, everything happen at the same year with your case"

Freen stay quiet. Linking the theory as how Josh do, it does make sense. Could he be our guy? After Freen was saved and the other kidnapper manage to escape, Josh's team never stop tracking this guy, even until today. The reason why it's hard to find this guy is that Freen never saw his face. They were wearing mask all the time while doing experiment. But still, Josh vow to himself that he will get this guy as long as he alive.

"I don't know Josh. But if you think that he could he our guy, we really need to find him. Judging by how he manages to stay under the radar for this long, we could see that he is not an easy guy. He is smart and alert."

"So... you will stay your contact with Becky?

"We..... kinda make a deal Josh. I help her with this debt, and... she repay me with.... you know... for 3 years. Tee told me I can't keep taking sedative pills after I collapsed 3x recently. So... yeah."

Josh sigh. "Look, I never seen you this happy ever since I know you Freen. I can see she really has a good effect on you. The sex is just a bonus. So my advice to you, please stick together with her. I don't know whats the future will be for 2 of you, but if you guys haven't got together even after 3years and the guy haven't being capture, do not leave each other no matter what. I get a feeling that despite his silence, he is watching"

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