38. Sweet and 'Shower'

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After a short mother and daughter moment, Freen go back inside to spend her daily 'dinner date' with Becky. She is quiet the entire dinner time, only give short answer whenever Becky asks questions. Becky notices Freen was unusually quiet and seems like in a deep thought, but she waits until post dinner time to talk to her. 

She even notices Freen zoned out while dipping her sushi into the sweet & sour sauce, so much that whole sushi covered with it but she just bring to mouth and eat like normal. This is super unusual of Freen.

Just like usual, Freen will cleans up after meal while Becky go to take shower. However, Becky helps Freen to clean up this time. "Honey, you can go to shower, don't worry I can clean this up" Freen gives a loving smile to Becky.

"It's okay Freen, let us do it together so we can clean it faster...... and take shower together" Becky bites her lips after saying that. Freen looks at Becky instantly, can't believe Becky is 'inviting' her to shower together. 

"Re-really honey? We can take shower together?" Becky nodded shyly makes Freen's face lit up with the widest smile on her face.

The truth is Becky had forgave Freen since the day they met again. About trust, Becky saw Freen had been trying hard to win her heart and fix their relationship again so she also wants to start showing sign too. Although, she still a bit traumatized with intimation because the nightmare of her fight with Robert still stuck in her mind, but in the same time she wants to fight the fear.

So after they do the cleaning together, they go to the shower together. They are both standing facing each other, Becky still blushing but slowly take off the clothes. When she is completely naked, Freen can't take her eyes on Becky, the eyes full unexplainable emotion making her covers her body with both hands, feeling embarrassed. 

"I look ugly with these burn marks right, sorry I asks you to shower together but you see these ugly skins, you may take shower first I will just--" Becky lowers down her body trying to pick her clothes again but was stopped by Freen.

"No no no my love, sorry my stare make you uncomfortable, please don't say that you are ugly, you are not. The burn marks does not make you look ugly my love, never will, and will never make me love you less. I was just overwhelm to see your body again, the same beautiful woman that I love, and the marks, show how a strong woman you are. I'm sorry you have to face these alone, I'm sorry not being there to protect you... and our child. I'm really sorry my love."

Freen engulf Becky in tight hug, she meant every words and she wants Becky to know that. Becky is touched by Freen's words but she still feels insecure. She broke the hug but Freen still locking her hands behind, "But Freen, there are a lot of pretty ladies out there who are way prettier than me, and even look perfect, just look at our models, i don't think I'll ever win over them." Becky looks downs pouting.

Freen gently lift Becky's face by her chin to see her face, " Well you are right our models are pretty, that's why we hire them to become our models, but... too bad, there is only one person named Becky Armstrong in this world and I'm madly in love with this person. Literally no one can win over her. She is the only person I love with all my heart, the only person melt my coldness, the only person i'm willing to kneel down, the only person I want to spend my whole life with, the only person i want to carry our babies, and....... the only person own my whole body" Freen said it proudly and keep pecking on her lips everytime she said 'the only person'.

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