24. Torture - 1 🔞

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This chapter contain abuse / torture content. 

So if you guys are sensitive towards it, please skip!


Josh is stressed and furious with how this guy able to approach Freen and Becky until entering this building. He tried reached out to Freen and Becky phone, all failed. Josh called Nam while ago to inform her about this R.A.S guy, where she stops the party immediately, faking a reason saying that Becky is unwell so she needs rest while Freen got an urgent online meeting with top client.

She asks them to go home early to which while they punching their card to leave, Heng on the other side taking note on every staffs and models exiting the building.

A knock can be heard at the waiting room, it was the cleaning manager, he looks pale and scared. "Si-sir, I'm so so-sorry.. I tried to-to look around fo-for Anurak, he-he is no where to be found. An-and, our company's car also mi-missing. I-... I-......." the manager unable to continue his words due to overly fear of Josh.

Josh shot him a sharp glare, smashing his hand on the table with a cheque on it. "Take this and leave!!!!!!! Our contract with your company is done!!!!!! You don't know how big this trouble u bring to me!!!"

The manager nodded terrifyingly, took the cheque politely before turns around and run for his life. Josh closes his eyes and breath deeply. Actually he already checked on their company's car, he knew that if Freen and Becky were kidnapped by him, for sure he will use the company's car. 

It was abandon at an not so busy fuel station. He asked Seng to look through their CCTV, but no footage can be seen at the area it was left abandon. This Robert guy seems planned all sharply, really know his way to cover up his track.

Heng knocks and enter the waiting room, "Sir, all the staffs and models are out this building. I've checked them one by one, with their body language, they don't know what is going on, and only went home because Nam asked. But.................... " Heng's words hang on that.

"But what?" Josh asks, trying to keep his cool.

"There's one model did not punch her card out. She punched in this morning, but no sign of her going out. Heidi." Both of them silence after that. Josh stands up, "Let's check the CCTV"

Both Josh, Heng, Nam and Song are in the CCTV room, they instructed the security to leave them and check around. On the CCTV footage they saw Heidi and Freen kissing, but Freen not pushing away.

Not long after that, they saw Heidi and Freen pulls away in shock, and Freen run away from Heidi. At the other camera shot, it shows Becky was walking away, Freen chasing behind her. Look like they had a fight and Becky walks away again. Minutes later Heidi approach Freen, they seems talking for sometime before Freen run to chase Becky again. 

Minutes later, Heidi walks on the path that Becky and Freen took, to which after that, no sign of them everywhere caught on camera. All of them are frustrated not seeing at lead of Freen, Becky and Heidi.

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