32. Let Me Court You Again

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Yuki and Jillian sit close to Becky on her bed to comfort her. Although she is not showing any sign of fear or panic, the way she looks blankly to the floor make Yuki and Jillian worry too.

"Sis... please don't be silent like this. Talk to us. Please tell us what are you feeling right now." Yuki tries to make Becky speak.

"Sh-she called me Love.. She still love me? No.. She can't. She can't be with a useless girlfriend like me. I can't protect her baby. It's all my fault. We should break up. Look at my skin, my ugly burnt skin. Sh-she should have move on to Heidi.. or-or to any of the pretty girls out there. But wait. I still owe her money. Yeah she probably need fuck. That's all I need to do to pay my debt right? Right Yuki? The deal. I-I will become her slut, that's all she wants right? I- I............."

Becky starts crying while saying all of that. Her panic attack and overthinking come back after she saw Freen. Jillian and Yuki couldn't bear seeing Becky's state and whatever she said, they hug her even tighter.

"Noo nooo please don't say that Phi.. Phi Freen loves you so much, she was lost without you, she never moves one because she loves you so much and she never stop asking us if you were ever found. Please don't say that. She will never look for you just for fuck, or just for the deal." Jillian says that as she also started to tear up.

"That's what she said when I was busy Jill, she always said she loves me, she says it's okay that i'm busy, she always compliment how sexy i am, but in the end she still can't resist other girl." All 3 of them just hugging each other and cry, before a knock was heard, the door slightly open, revealing Mrs. Chankimha.

"Hello girls, I was just checking----- Oh dear!!! What happen??!!! Why are all of you crying??!!" She rushes to the girls and give a big motherly hug.  "Yuki, Jill, can you two leave us a moment? I want to talk to my daughter here"

The way Mrs. Chankimha address Becky as her daughter flushes all the negative feeling instantly. She always feels calm whenever Mrs. Chankimha with her. She feels acceptance,  love, and cared. Yuki and Jillian nodded, giving Mrs. Chankimha a kiss at cheek and Becky a kiss at forehead before leaving the ward. Mrs. Chankimha always treated them sweetly so they also treated her as their mom.

"My poor dear, come to mom." She hugs Becky tightly, with one hand caressing her beck to comfort her. Becky couldn't hold the negative feeling that slowly build up inside her mind, she burst.

"Mom... I feel so weak mom. The moment I saw Freen, God know how much I miss her, I miss her warmth, I miss her care. But-but... I was scared that it wasn't real. Look at my current condition, she will surely feel disgusted by me, maybe at first she just feel bad for me, but, what if when I already accepted her back, but then she realize I am a mistake for her? What if she realize she regretted having me again for having this awful look? What if she wants me because of the deal, and when the time come, she will dump me? I'm scared to commit mom. Maybe the best decision I just come back to her and finish the deal right? She just need someone to fulfill her needs right?"

"Oh dear please don't say that! Honey, please don't decide anything if you think you are not in your right mind. You might do something you will regret later, this is the same thing I told Freen. Honey, For everything you just said, I can confidently say NO to every What if. Freen loves you a lot honey. *sigh* I wasn't suppose to say this because this is Freen's surprise for you, but seeing you keep having doubt, I have to. Freen bought a lot of thing for you, things she wants to share with you when you live with her again. She customize a glass box to keep the anklet and she will talks to it every day before leaving her penthouse to work. And you know what? She sometime will video call me to ask for opinion, showing dresses, clothes, household things that she think will suit you. I called her everyday to check on her to make sure she is well, and not even a single day she did not mention about you. She held her hope high for you to come back in her arm honey. I know you doubt her feeling, but i can really see her trying hard to prove her love to you."

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