55. Planning

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They said when a woman pregnant, they will crave for a lot of things and mostly is the presence of their partner. However, they are not the only one craving, their partner will undergone craving phase too. So this is what happen to Freen lately. 

Freen had been craving for Becky's warmth lately especially her bare skin. But good things for FreenBeck is that they easily satisfied their cravings for each other, as we all said, Everyday, Anytime, Anywhere.

So that's what happen 20 minutes before Freen leave her penthouse to join the boys for workout. She supposed to take a short rest after several rounds of love making with Becky but here she is burying her head near Becky's bare breasts, both hands fondling them gently, carefully not to hurt Becky.

"Babe~~~~~~~~~ I thought you were tired~~ Don't you need rest a while before join the boys? mmmmmm~~~" Becky reminds freen but in the same time she feels so good with Freen's doing on her breasts.

This caught Freen attention. She stops what she doing and slowly dress up both of them properly, not forgetting planting several kisses to her lovely fiance. Both of them stands up to get ready because Becky wants to join the girls too.

"Even in tired state, can't resist my beautiful fiance. Love you my love~~ You sure you don't want me to drop you at the girls meeting spot?" Becky blushes but still giggle because her lover sweetness.

"Love you too my hubby. No it's okay babe. P'Nam and P'Song will fetch me later. They said they wants to take care of me before I give birth and they want you to have your own time as well because for sure we will get busy when baby come out."

Freen just smile hearing that. She lowers down her head to the level of Becky's tummy, 

"My cutest baby, daddy's baby girl, must behave okay? don't tired down mommy. If you behave, daddy promise will buy many toys for you to play" 

She kisses her tummy before lift her head to kiss Becky on her lips too.

"You surely gonna spoil our baby so much. Don't overly spoils her hubby." Becky warns her hubby.

"I won't 'overly' spoils her, just spoils her." she just laughs but Becky gives a stern look to Freen makes her post a salute sign to her scary fiance.  They share another kisses before both go to their respective way.


*At the gym

Josh, Heng and Freen are lifting weight at their own respective bench facing the mirror so they can look at their bodies and see each other. They always work out at Josh's private gym where he trains his people. During the time they work out, it was fully reserved only for them.

Heng open the topic. "Hey boss, Freen, both of your girls are pregnant right now, so when is the wedding?"

"I don't know yet. I haven't plan much for the wedding since Kate is in bad nauseous state yet. Maybe when she gotten quite well then we can talk about the wedding. We really want to get married as soon as possible but she kinda unwell." Josh replied.

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