28. Hope

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not update for days. I've been unwell due to sudden change of weather so I can't even think of the story line properly. Since I'm feeling quite better today, here a short update. I will do long update when I'm fully well okay.

Thanks for waiting patiently. I really appreciate it. Love Love<3


It's been a month of Becky's missing and the staffs in the office seems questioning about Becky's absence, some more she had been missing right after completing a big project successfully. Nam had gave reason of Becky's absence saying that she is currently on leave to settle family problems. 

However, tons of rumors circulate around the office about Becky's absence but when Nam know about it and told Freen, Freen immediately gather all the staffs and warn them about the consequences spreading false rumors. 

"If you all have the gut, say it in front of me, let's talk about it together, but don't blame me if you are forced to find your belonging in the trash can. So... please be smart, shut your mouth if you don't have any idea about people's condition and if you don't have anything nice to say." Freen walks away after give this warning to the staff. Ever since this warning, no more false rumors circulate around office.

Freen slams her office door and walks to her chair. She slum herself on the chair, releasing a heavy sigh while massaging her temple. She hates it when people talks bad about her Becky. She unlocks her phone, looking at the wallpaper picture of her and Becky, a single tear fall from her eyes. She misses Becky a lot.


Days after she watched Becky's surprise video for her, she was in a mess. She would starve herself, only stay on her bed watching the video over and over again, crying all day and night. Her mom found her totally losing herself while visiting her in the penthouse, she was heartbroken. It's like seeing Freen from 5 years ago but now her condition even worse. 

Mrs. Chankimha knows a little bit about Becky from her friends, especially Nam and Josh. Hearing how they describe Becky and the story how they become couple, she believes that Becky is a good girl and love Freen sincerely. She really want to meet Becky and never stop praying she will be found safe.

When Mrs. Chankimha cook for Freen, she only ate a little, and will space out most of the time. She barely speaks when her mom talk to her, only nodded to yes, shake her head for no. Mrs. Chankimha can't bear seeing Freen this way, when she finally voice out,

"Freen, please stop being like this. Do you really giving up yourself as if Becky had die? What if Becky really appear one day? Are you gonna show up like a zombie in front of her?" 

"Mom.. you don't understand. I love Becky so much mom. I screw up our relationship and I really regretted it. I just want one more chance but she is no where could be found. Am I really losing the only chance I want?" Freen looks at her mom with teary eyes.

"My dear, chance only come to those who are patient, and never give up. Seeing you like this, you look totally give up for her Freen." Mrs. Chankimha tries to sound hopeful. She don't know what happen to both of them when Freen said she screw up, Josh and Nam also never talks about it, but whatever is it, she just want Freen to start feeling hopeful and change herself, not neglecting herself like this.

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