26. Rescued?

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Josh's informer finally get the information about the seller that had dealt with Robert before.  They just had a deal recently where Robert purchase a huge amount of painkiller substance and some sedative liquid. It was not sent to a specific location, only was asked to drop it at a forest area. 

The informer able to give the location of the dropping area, to which Josh immediately ask his men to view the location using satellite map. They saw that the area is secluded to city, the neighborhood also are miles away between each other, separated by forest and next to river.

Secluded area? Neighborhood miles away between each other? forest? next to river?  Is it there?Would it be? Jillian eyebrows twitch hearing that.

"Can you help me check if there are any other of the secluded area same as this specifications?" Jillian speaks to Josh's men. They look at Josh as if asking whether to follow her request or not. Josh nodded.

They run a check as per request, only one area found, which is the same place like the seller said. "Phi, is the building where we were kidnapped before destroyed?" Jillian asked Josh, her fingers are fidgeting due to nervous. She has feeling Robert might find way to use the building again, he seems very cunning, he must has his way. Plus building the same exact like that might need tons of money, and there was no case about kidnapping that call for ransom happen these few years.

"From what i remember, the government want to keep the building because they said it is a perfect building for the licensed scientist to work. They just do need do some clean up."

Josh's men look for the building's current status which it says UNDER GOVERNMENT'S PROPERTY - TENDERED, which mean the building is not in function and waiting for contractor to apply tender for it. 

Kade seems able to catch Jillian sudden nervousness, as if she knows what Jillian is thinking. Kade then remember Josh's ex works in marine force, and she has the excess to track people's location with their body's temperature using the satellite tracker.

"Josh, you need to ask Faye for help. She has the excess to track people's location with their body's temperature using the satellite tracker" Josh eyes widen, Kade wants him to call Faye, his ex. Not that he scares Kade will jealous or what, but the thought of him suddenly call her for help after not talking for years after their break up, it just feels awkward.

As if Kade able to sense what Josh is thinking, she continues "Look Josh, I trust you. Plus this is about 4 people's life. I'm sure we all trained to be professional. Please.."

Josh did not say anything, he just pick up his call and dialed Faye's number, after few rings, she picked up. 

Faye:  Hello? Josh? is that you?

Josh:  Yes Faye. Sorry to bother you, but... I really need help. It's about my friends

Faye:  It's okay Josh. I know you will not call me if it's not urgent, after..... you know what happen to us... Anyway, what is it?

Josh:  I need your help to track people's location with their body's temperature using the satellite tracker. My friends were kidnapped and we believe she might be in there, but we can't ambush the place because it's government property, unless if we have valid reason.

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