30. Wrong Timing

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It is weekend, groaning and heavy panting filled around Freen's penthouse. She is working out so hard using her dumbells, 15kg each hand. After done with the dumbell, she proceed with pulls up with 20kg weight chained around her waist.

Freen had been doing hardcore workout for almost 2 months, which mean Becky had been missing for almost two months. But Freen never lose hope waiting for Becky to come back despite Josh kept telling her that they are still tracking Becky's whereabout.

Thanks to her Viagra substance that never leave her body since her past kidnapping, it actually helped her boost stamina while working out. One habit she had after working out, is she would need to jerk off while showering since the work out had push every bit of her adrenaline, not missing her masterpiece or else she will go to work or outside with a boner.

Standing under the shower, letting the water pouring her now bulky body while her hand working on her shaft, her mind is all about Becky. She never stop missing Becky, she never stop praying. Her thoughts stop when she feels the edge.

"Argggghhhhh argghhhh Beckyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! hahhhhhhhh~~~~~~"

She finally shoot her cum out until her cock go limp. The size of her cock had actually increased due to the blue pill Heidi took from Robert for her to ease the pain.

One thing about the blue pill is it got high amount of pain killer but it also mix with penis enlargement substance, so whoever took it, it will help with easing the pain but in the same time enlarge their penis. This explain how Robert's penis gone so big compare to his past mini size. What a sick Robert.

After done showering, Freen decided to dress up to talk a walk in the mall. Looking at the mirror reflecting her new transformed body, her confidence gain each day, she wants to be able to protect Becky. She don't want to lose Becky if Becky ever back to her again. No 'IF'.. She believes Becky will back to her. She will do anything for Becky to accept her back.

Looking at the mirror one last time, her eyes slowly divert to the dresser next to the mirror, it's the anklet that Freen customize a glass box to keep it.

My little bean, my bean's mommy, where are you two now? Daddy miss you two so much. Daddy promise, when you two back to daddy, daddy will do everything to keep u guys safe, make u two the happiest. Please trust daddy. Please give daddy another chance.

She let out a sigh, before walking out her bedroom and penthouse, driving to the mall. Actually she didn't have anything particular to find at the mall, she just wants to wander around and find something catch her eyes for her or Becky. 

Walking around alone in the mall, she then realize during few months she with Becky, she never takes Becky out for relaxing or outing, and she never asks Becky what she really likes and dislikes. Thinking about that make Freen want to punch herself so bad. How can she never pay attention on her Becky while Becky never fails fulfilled her needs literally every single time except when she started busy.

She stops at jewelry shop, remembering that Becky never wear any necklace, so she looks around for a necklace. She had been look around for 20 minutes, she can't find any pendant that suit Becky. Even when the staffs show a lot of pendant, she still not interested with it. 

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