46. Fight for her, Live for You & Her

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The dinner going on very well. Freen's parents, Becky's family together with their friends were having good time together. Becky started calling Freen's parents mom and dad while Freen also call Becky's mom Mom. Freen's parents and Becky's mom would share stories about the young Freen and Becky which lighten up the mood of the dinner even more.

Freen and Richie's relationship also had gotten better since they constantly contacting each other regarding the house under construction and they make sure to keep it secret to surprise her Becky. Becky's mom really like Freen, she observes her ever since she picked them up at the airport and also the way she treated Becky all the time during the dinner, it calm her heart seeing a person taking good care of her daughter. But after all of her positive sight towards Freen, she can't help to worry about something, and she really wants to talk to Freen before they ever decide to take their relationship further.

However, Freen's mood was not so bright because of their little fight earlier. Becky stay close to Freen most of the time because she really wants Freen to know that she is sorry about everything she said during the ride. 

After they finish having dinner, they are chilling at the verandah. Freen's parents insist everyone to spend the night there because they wants to serve them breakfast the next morning before each of them going to their respective schedule. Becky's mom look around and the mini garden catches her attention. In the same time, she also thought of some way so she can have some time away to talk to Freen. Freen's mom notice where Becky's mom look at.

"Oh Mary,  do you have any interest in flowers? i planted them since i want to make a mini garden like that, been dreaming to create one, you wanna come and look around?"

Mary smiles to Freen's mom "yeah i love flowers so much and you really have a lovely garden there, I really want to look around there but...... Freen darling, can you take me there? You know if you want to be my in law you need to have knowledge about flowers" Mary teases Freen. Freen  gets so nervous after hearing that so Becky back up her lover.

"Mom!! Let me come with you guys, you gonna bully Freen is it?" Everyone laugh at Freen's nervousness and Becky's backing up her, Freen's mom support Mary to tease them.

"That's right, Becky passes few tests to become my daughter in law, i guess you need to pass the test as well Freen, right Mary?" Mary just nodded her head and laugh out loud, follow by the other leaving Becky and Freen facepalm.

"Hmm... should I think of a test so she can be my sister in law too?" Richie wants to join in the teasing but earning a deadly glare from Freen and Becky, so he just zip his mouth.

"Go Freen, the garden won't look so beautiful when its too dark" Freen has no choice just obeying her mom and mother in law. Before taking Mary to the garden, Freen did not forget to give a peck on Becky's lips in front of all their families and friends, all of them teases them even more making Becky blushes so red.

"Be careful there are elderly here, we don't want diabetes okay" Freen's dad teases them. After that Freen don't care of them, she just holds Mary's arm taking her to the garden. Along the way, there is no awkwardness because both of them have a good relationship even from the first they met. They talk about many things until the reach a small hut at the garden and sit down.

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