39. My Angel

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After finishing their shower, Freen helps Becky to dry her hair while Becky is sitting in front of her, looking at Freen's face. She can't stop smiling remembering their intimate shower awhile ago. Freen looks at Becky's face from time to time, she also feels happy and contented but in the same time she is nervous about the talk they gonna have later.

Becky notices Freen's facial keep changing, as if something is bothering her, so she stands up to give a peck on Freen's lips. "Baby~~~ are you thinking of another woman?" Becky fake a glare.

"NOO!!!! NEVERRR!!! h-honeyy... why did you say that?" She stops the hairdryer, getting nervous with Becky's glare.

"You were spacing out while drying my hair, you smile when you look at me, but then frown while you look away, tell me.... who is she?" Becky still carry on with her act. Freen shake her head nervously, sighing, she put down the hairdryer, turn back and walk towards her briefcase.

Becky thought that Freen is angry for accusing her, so she run towards Freen and hug her from behind tightly to stop her from walking away. "Baby~~~ I'm just kidding. Sorry... I know you love me, I was just teasing you" Becky talks in baby voice. Freen turns around, wrap her arms around Becky and pull her closer again, "No other woman in my life honey, just you, my only queen, erm... well yeah mom also a lovely woman in my life but you know you are the most special one baby, the only one for me, so........... I want to show you something" 

Becky pulls away, looking at Freen confuse. Freen just smile, kiss her forehead and turn around to get something from her briefcase. Once she gets what she looking for, she walks to Becky and guiding her to sit on bed while she stands.

"Honey, I love you so much, I love you with all my heart. I'm sorry that before this I cared too much of my sexual desire until I never care to know about you, and not treating you right,  I gave you big scar in your heart, I............ I wasn't there to protect you and our child. I'm so sorry my love. When you gone missing for 2 months, there wasn't any second I stop missing you, hoping I would get another chance to make things right, to have you back in my arm, to make you happy again. My love~ now that you finally here with me, back to me, I promise you I will make you the happiest woman in this world, you deserve it my love. We...... started with an arrangement, I don't want it anymore. I want us to love each other freely, without any tie to agreement. So here it is, a start of our new life my love."

Freen gives a folder to Becky, to which Becky know clearly what is that folder about, she had seen in before, but she don't understand what new life that Freen is talking about. Becky takes the folder, hesitate to open it but Freen just give a smile and raise her eyebrows, as if signalling Becky to open it and read.

Becky opens the folder, the first thing she notices was the position she got offered..... CO-FOUNDER. Becky was shocked, she looks at Freen, trying to say something but Freen just signal her to read everything, so becky reads every contents from every pages. Once she done reading, her eyes glistening with tears, Freen walks closer, take away the folder and holds both of her hands tightly. Becky stands up.

"My love, sorry for not asking you this beforehand. I know I made this without getting your opinion but please tell me if I did anything wrong there, I promise will get it fix right away. I just want you to know that I want to build my future with you, and I will keep supporting you to reach your dream. So thats why I made that. My love, you are so intelligent, smart and beautiful, you create a big success even from your first time doing it, I believe we can grow our company together. OUR COMPANY. *wink to Becky* I want us to work together, go home together, building our company and family honey. I meant it when I said I want to build my future with you. For modelling, it was also written there that you are free to join any modelling work as you like, so basically you can do whatever you want." 

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