3. Favor from you, Agreement from me

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"Call her in".

Nam received instruction from Freen and reply,

"errr boss, did you wear your hard cast today?" Nam asked in low voice while looking at Becky. Becky noticed Nam looking at her while talking to the monitor but can't hear what she talking because there are some distance between them.

Freen raised her eyebrow, why Nam ask about the hard cast all sudden? Who she be meeting by the way? The Hard Cast is a special panties hard cast made by Tee for Freen to cover her bulge just in case Freen got hard. Tee is a gynecologist doctor and also a best friend of Freen aside from Nam. Apart from being an ob-gyn, Tee also helped Freen in creating underwear that suitable for Freen to use so that her buddy won't look obvious if she wear a tight trousers. Freen's is big btw.

"Eerr no? Why should i wear that anyway?" Freen curiously ask.

Nam sighed. "Boss, my dear friend, even i didn't see what u did just now but i can guess what u did. I'm pretty sure you haven't fully calm down because u probably just had it one time. The person you be meeting is one of our model, and....... she is wearing sleeveless dress.. shoulder exposed, and if your eyes sharp enough.... you can see her cleavage. Whatever your condition is, i'm warning you"

Freen gasped in shock, however manage to keep calm

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Freen gasped in shock, however manage to keep calm. "hmmm... wait a while". Freen stand up and walk to her hidden room behind a tall wall, quickly put on the hard cast and come out. Pressing the monitor again "Okay Nam, all good.. and thanks buddy"

"hehe okay boss". Nam put down the phone and look at Becky telling her to follow.

Walking behind Nam is like being escort to jail. Becky was nervous as hell to meet the CEO for the first time. Walking inside the office Becky can see the most beautiful woman she ever seen. Sitting on office chair with body straight, long straight hair, black tux, looking sharply towards her and Nam. Freen's eyes were emotionless but not arrogant. Just looking serious. Becky feels butterflies in her stomach from her stares.

"So boss, this is Becky Armstrong, our model wanting to meet you" Freen nodded and signal Nam to give them space.

After Nam went out of the office, Becky just standing near Freen's table fidgeting her finger shakily don't dare to raise her head look at the CEO.

"Come take a sit. Hey relax. I may have a cold face but I don't remember people die meeting me. i won't eat you. So calm down and start talking"

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